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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. no sorry kevin the s.o is 1m
  2. i got a insta on arcanie buyer is just getting money
  3. pm me ig please i would pay more :)
  4. can be closed
  5. hey i want sell some shinys all auction will go 48h just not on diglett good luck and happy bidding s.o 500k insta 1m sold s.o 100k no insta sold s.o 1,5m insta 3m 150k sold sold
  6. pm me pls here ig: aminnation or on discord : amin#6299
  7. guys it isn´t auction its just a insta
  8. still just insta 20m
  9. still just insta :)
  10. i would s.o 5m if u give me time to get the money:)
  11. i close shop now can be closed
  12. tyranitar is sold
  13. bumpppp
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