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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. prodex i offert alredy around 4m with pokes maybe you can get it xd
  2. can i or we know which offer ^^
  3. hi i would report this bug if i want battle with my brother (shinyman22) i can´t because if i send battle request he don´t get it and if he send me one i don´t get request too :etc: we tryed it , it alot times but it don´t work :(
  4. great guide in which server are u ? i like that poliwag^^
  5. guys that poke is in yellow server
  6. its wild catch from yellow and not mod poke and tradeable so gl with buying ;)
  7. if you want price check go to price check
  8. i would offer 50k
  9. https://prnt.sc/hq48iu sold
  10. Re: Best Gligar of all servers <r><URL url="https://prnt.sc/hp9re0">https://prnt.sc/hp9re0</URL> i offer my shiny sceptile for this gligar</r>
  11. Re: Xmas special giveaway!! <t>1) my favo poke is sceptile it was always 3rd gen starter and i like the shiny form <br/> 2) my best friend is 06ottoman94 he is good guy is ready to help ,funny and gift sometimes pokes <br/> 3) i want win jff<br/> 4) i wish xmas munchlax it look really nice</t>
  12. hi i want sell my epic poliwag c.o 1m by flint1 its 48h auction gl all^^ https://prnt.sc/hp3yp7
  13. go to the right topic pls
  14. i think you are in wrong topic pls go to the topic Shiny and Special Pokémon
  15. Re: Best Gligar of all servers <t>omg epic shiny gligar :O tell me later your best offer maybe i want pay more ;)</t>
  16. Re: Small Shop <r><QUOTE author="kokopa" post_id="481517" time="1513529445" user_id="1810510"><s> </e></QUOTE> 200k insta <e> </e></QUOTE> and start?</r>
  17. bye :Ambivalent: my favo poke is sceptile because its always my stater i want win because i like pro and play for fun and little gutheit (ich will der aller beste sein xd) schöne weinachaten dir ich wünsche mir zu weinachten xmas munchlax oder andere selten die meisten sehen gut aus
  18. ich bin shiny collector in gelb ich brauche seltene shinys falls du da welche hast
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