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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. is the serp already sold ?
  2. i want buy it i got some money
  3. which evo u made?
  4. i want darma price?
  5. i like shiny bronzor pm me here on discord Aminnation#6299 or ig Aminnation
  6. s.o donphan
  7. i´m sad that u go it was really nice time with u take care <3
  8. Planning to return again? yes
  9. hype :Smile:
  10. oh u leave too :( bye bye
  11. Re: WTS decent shiny TIMID SYNC natu <t>i got it</t>
  12. What? Is this a joke? I still can't believe you are leaving. You will missed very much. Good luck and take care :Frown: no joke :Frown:
  13. Re: WTS decent shiny TIMID SYNC natu <t>depends on the seller what u say i won or auction still go</t>
  14. Re: WTS decent shiny TIMID SYNC natu <t>oh okay i offer jet ski and 800k if u accept jet ski is like cc (350k)</t>
  15. Re: WTS decent shiny TIMID SYNC natu <r>@nh<MENTION><s>[mention]</s>nhojyaj28<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> what u say i think i won auction was done</r>
  16. Re: WTS decent shiny TIMID SYNC natu <t>840k and i thought time is out</t>
  17. Re: WTS decent shiny TIMID SYNC natu <t>i think i won you said 1h 30min left they are done now :)</t>
  18. Re: WTS decent shiny TIMID SYNC natu <t>810k :)</t>
  19. i think u know i quite chancel my offer sorry
  20. i will miss u too :(
  21. Re: WTS decent shiny TIMID SYNC natu <t>Time?</t>
  22. bye shaui i will miss u :D:
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