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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. Re: ~Laicram's Design Shop~ [ESP/ENG] [Yellow/Blue] <r><QUOTE author="Laicram" post_id="473187" time="1511889195" user_id="1053284"><s> </e></QUOTE> Here <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Ge51ca1.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Thanks again <E>:y:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> ty too i love ie ^^</r>
  2. still 400k from me
  3. Re: ~Laicram's Design Shop~ [ESP/ENG] [Yellow/Blue] <t>hi i want a avatar i pm you on discord</t>
  4. Re: Shiny Spinda <t>if he start 300k :)</t>
  5. Sure send me a PM pm me on discord i´m there Aminnation#6299
  6. [mention]Sabo[/mention] can i ask you something ?
  7. I aggree, syhno is winner. The trouble of connection can not reason to be prodex a win. And this is fair. If she want bid so do first. Dont wait in Last time. Congras to syhno. :y: ah ok ty kevin
  8. I keep your offer aside and I will accept it once our servers will definitely merge :thanks:
  9. then i offer 12m and 500k from yellow^^
  10. Re: WTS EPIC EXCADRILL <r><QUOTE author="Kaminokage" post_id="472282" time="1511698433" user_id="1488380"><s> </e></QUOTE><QUOTE author="aminnation" post_id="472262" time="1511695074" user_id="1691288"><s> </e></QUOTE><URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=32484"><LINK_TEXT text="viewtopic.php?f=37&t=32484">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=32484</LINK_TEXT></URL> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE>Let him start 300k, low prices <E>:Ambivalent:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> oh i see it now ty for info <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  11. Re: shiny h.a swinub <t>can i start with 200k?</t>
  12. Re: WTS EPIC EXCADRILL <t>let me start with 150k :)</t>
  13. let me start with 9m yellow money :P
  14. Re: WTS Shiny Banette <t>time?</t>
  15. Re: wts shiny h.a dratini <t>i can give you 10m and that is good for it</t>
  16. Re: wts shiny h.a dratini <t>sell it me i pay much ;)</t>
  17. Re: WTS Shiny Snivy <t>do you accept ms too?</t>
  18. you still accept pokes from your wishlist?
  19. ok maybe i offer haha
  20. i mean if i offer and the server merge can we trade if they merge?
  21. do you accept yellow money?
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