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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. Re: wts shiny chansey <r>chansey is sold to <MENTION><s>[mention]</s>onkar<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> pm me</r>
  2. mh i don´t want it anymore sorry
  3. i buy scizor
  4. Re: wts shiny chansey <t>2h30min left</t>
  5. Re: wts vaporeon <r>okay <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  6. Re: wts vaporeon <t>time?</t>
  7. my favorite characters are zorro and luff what are your? :Grin:
  8. maybe jybpek is atm not active and can´t check it
  9. Re: wts shiny chansey <t>23h left</t>
  10. Re: ❆ Fenix Reborn Guild ¡¡Top 5 Blue Server!! Hablamos Español❆ <r>good luck <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  11. :y: good luck all other guys
  12. i would insta with trades if you accept my pokes i have epic hydreigon(1m) epic happiny(1m2) epic shiny steelix(500k-600k) epic absol (300k) trash shiny lotad (1m) shiny ninetales (500k) decent bisharp (1m) epic max speed spatk hp ice pikachu (500k) and 4m then we are on 10m :Grin:
  13. Re: wts epic hydreigon <t>close please</t>
  14. Re: wts epic hydreigon <t>it isn´t anymore for sell i change my opinion sorry guys</t>
  15. lul in 50min 50 postes gg^^
  16. NPC Name: Aminnation Dialogue: why you see in my eyes? I destroy you Team: Sceptile ,Galvantula, Ninetales and Ludicolo lose Dialogue: you was lucky angry smile
  17. one piece was my first and i still watch it :Grin:
  18. Re: wts shiny chansey <r><QUOTE author="Dyslexia" post_id="474805" time="1512220602" user_id="1271704"><s> </e></QUOTE> Aminnation is reseller right. <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> <br/> You sell it to someone and his sell to aminnation. And aminnation sell it again. :)<br/> <br/> I interest with this shiny but i dont like to reseller. He buy cheap and sell high. And i dont know how is his pay this? Maybe cheap,, maybe same to start offer. Thanks for your information (Prodex) <e> </e></QUOTE> mh okay then don´t offer np its your opinoin</r>
  19. Re: wts shiny chansey <r><QUOTE author="Dyslexia" post_id="474805" time="1512220602" user_id="1271704"><s> </e></QUOTE> Aminnation is reseller right. <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> <br/> You sell it to someone and his sell to aminnation. And aminnation sell it again. :)<br/> <br/> I interest with this shiny but i dont like to reseller. He buy cheap and sell high. And i dont know how is his pay this? Maybe cheap,, maybe same to start offer. Thanks for your information (Prodex) <e> </e></QUOTE> it was trade and why you don´t want offer because it resell <E>:Angry:</E></r>
  20. Re: wts shiny chansey <r><URL url="https://prnt.sc/hi14o3">https://prnt.sc/hi14o3</URL> onkar start with 3m</r>
  21. i like one piece :Sing:
  22. [mention]Laicram[/mention] can you make my avatar from now to Animated avatar?
  23. Re: wts shiny chansey <t>i change start insta start is now 3m and insta 5m</t>
  24. hi guys i would sell my shiny chansey start is 3m and insta 5m its 48h auction maybe i accept rare shiny or shines for trade if i like them gl all :Grin: https://prnt.sc/hhu6jg
  25. hi today i would sell my epic hydreigon start is 500k and insta 1,5m its 48h auction good luck all :Grin: https://prnt.sc/hhtrrq
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