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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. Re: wts epic snorlax 31hp 31def <r>close please <E>:y:</E></r>
  2. @shyuno i have shiny chansey too its imish and nature care
  3. Re: wts epic snorlax 31hp 31def <r><URL url="https://prnt.sc/hht68x">https://prnt.sc/hht68x</URL> thanks</r>
  4. Re: wts epic snorlax 31hp 31def <r>sold to @<MENTION><s>[mention]</s>LazyPanda69<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> pm me ingame</r>
  5. Re: wts epic snorlax 31hp 31def <t>15min left</t>
  6. gl prodex :Grin:
  7. Nice. :thanks: for your information. I like this. :Shy: np bro^^ andyway i got shiny azumarill^^
  8. https://prnt.sc/hhphv4 ;)
  9. hi can you keep that joltik for me? i´m yellow player and i would buy it if the server merge The server merge Just issue, can be true and can be false. And if the server merge a positif maybe i can give good offer too. the server merge its 100% sure
  10. if no one offer 15m you sell it me then right?
  11. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=162&t=83390 i´m selling snorlax you can checck it there :Grin:
  12. hi can you keep that joltik for me? i´m yellow player and i would buy it if the server merge
  13. Re: wts epic snorlax 31hp 31def <r><QUOTE author="LazyPanda69" post_id="474034" time="1512055284" user_id="1425114"><s> </e></QUOTE> okay ccare 550k <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  14. 50k can i buy for 30k?
  15. how much for shiny grimer?
  16. hi [mention]Laicram[/mention] ^^ i have new wish check discord haha
  17. Re: wts epic snorlax 31hp 31def <r><QUOTE author="kokopa" post_id="473649" time="1511977132" user_id="1810510"><s> </e></QUOTE> ok <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  18. Re: Wts ada h.a xmas furret :) <r><URL url="https://prnt.sc/hgvy7z">https://prnt.sc/hgvy7z</URL> thanks all <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  19. Re: Wts ada h.a xmas furret :) <r><URL url="https://prnt.sc/hgvx4j">https://prnt.sc/hgvx4j</URL> sold insta</r>
  20. hi i would sell my snorlax its 48h auction start offer is 500k and insta 1m https://prnt.sc/hgvqvm gl all ^^
  21. hi i would sell my ada h.a xmas furret its 48h auction the auction start if i have start offer :) the start offer is 1m and the insta 2m https://prnt.sc/hgvl6b gl guys :Grin:
  22. [mention]wesleyarlar[/mention] what do you say about my offer?
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