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Everything posted by Furtifk

  1. Forum post: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=118&t=12364&start=100 code: R4R3 C4NDY name: Furtifk server : Red
  2. Maybe the reason for there to be not as many players on yellow is because the community on there is less welcoming and newer as a majority meaning less help provided to people asking questions and more ragequits :P. Give red server a shot for a while it's only fair.
  3. Good suggestion but I'm pretty sure we would want to see other stuff before this as this could be quite time consuming to actually code/release without any bugs. Would put priorities on different features than this if it were up to me.
  4. Re: ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [uPDATED ~ added 11spots ~ 6/23/2017]◄ <t>Recently tested eevee and scyther for kanto safari. Eevee seems worth it but scyther seems not worth for lvl 27 synch at least.</t>
  5. Event: Hunt and PvP IGN: Furtifk Guild: Blaze
  6. The problem with dragging down to scroll down is that the feature is already used to move items from your bag to make a pokemon hold it or to drag it into your hotbar bottom left.
  7. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (PvP tournament semi-finals) <t>Ayy welcome to new :)</t>
  8. Items descriptions and map route navigations i think have already been discussed in a previous thread. Poke base stat display might be the same problem as them also since they don't want to display too much. But the keys coudl be a good idea although I prefer the way it is currently but could be good toggle option. Zoom out might make it even less practical since more elements to display on the screen :/
  9. I have a few simple suggestions which I hope shouldn't be too hard to set up and shouldn't make staff have to dedicate too many ressources into. These suggestions are for mobile devices especially android devices to make them more practical to use and less esthetic if needed since the game is graphically very pleasing. [glow=blue]Suggestions[/glow] -Making scrolling through bag much easier to do This may seem easy on other pc and wide screen devices but for android devices which will mostly be small screen it's very hard to get hold of the scroll down/up bar. For fixing this I'd suggest you make the bar bigger even if the bag has to cover up the majority of the center of screen as I'm sure most people can't play in the background at the same as scrolling through bag anyways. The very same applies for the pokedex: - Another thing is the shortcut tab in the bottom left of the screen. Make it so we get only 3 but make them take up 6 spaces (enlargement). The issue here is when we oftenly use an item from it such as all mounts/fishing rod/max repels, like 1/10times it will consider it as dragging it off the slot and remove it from the hotbar instead of using it. Even making sure to just tap it without holding down at all can remove it and it becomes very frustrating since you have to go through bag to put it back in the hotbar whilst also going through the trouble of trying to get hold of the scroll down bar in bag. This problem becomes quite annoying when you start fishing. Overall: The game on these devices runs very well and is graphically very good to look at and satisfying to play on however I think the game lacks in practicality making it sometimes very hard to accomplish a simple task. I think maybe trading a few esthetically pleasing aspects of the game such as small windows for bags for us to still be able to play in the background should be cut down and making way for some easier manoeuvring through bag and other pop up screens. This is not such an important feature I guess but I'm pretty sure it would be nice and would benefit many and especially the users who only play on android. I've occasionally been playing on phone recently due to exams and travels which made me aware of these issues so I do not know of many struggles on android devices a part from those I mentioned. Feel free if you have an issue with similar things and would like to suggest it be changed, post it as reply :). Also please note my phone isn't the best but it's screen is not that small either (11.1 X 6.3cm). On a side note though the game runs very smoothly on these devices.
  10. Re: [RED] TOURNAMENT : Kanto Classic [OPEN] <t>I participate!</t>
  11. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (PvP tournament semi-finals) <t>Bumping :P</t>
  12. Re: The legendary trio (legendary dogs) Event Moves Quest <r><QUOTE author="Zonamarelarap"><s> </e></QUOTE> That part didn't trigger for me.<br/> Tried all 3 steps after it and they weren't unlocked either.</r>
  13. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (PvP tournament kickoff) <t>Daily bump</t>
  14. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (PvP tournament kickoff) <t>Bump*</t>
  15. hey there and welcome, good luck on your adventures!
  16. If you are on blue server then it's alright, blue server is down for everyone currently.
  17. Furtifk

    my first team

    Not bad, although you might be a bit weak to eq (3pokes) so I'd suggest maybe removing the metagross for maybe something else you might be lacking.
  18. Welcome back :Smile:
  19. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (PvP tournament kickoff) <t>Bump*</t>
  20. Lol awesome! A screenshot to be saved!
  21. I'll have to agree with [mention]Aventureur[/mention], it's good that some much needed things are spread out through the map. If everything were in cerulean or vermillion all the time then there would be abandonned areas. So the stealth rock tutor gives you a reason to travel. Also if you play casually which I know you do [mention]NasulElijah[/mention] then with the Travel Pass you pretty much only pay for the safari and the tutor which is almost nothing compared to the balance you have. Stealth rock plays a pretty big part in PvP meta so I think for it to cost so much to get there makes it costly approriate for the reward you'll be getting. This may seem odd but I'd encourage some areas that reward you quite well to cost more. This could result in a better economy so that people who have 30m + don't just sit there and get everything for almost free.
  22. Well no mask for me :Cry:
  23. This usually happens to me when I toggle "Allow controller" in key Bindings in the game settings. This might be your problem so check that out, it might help you. Make sure the box is not ticked and see if your problem is fixed. If this doesn't help then good luck solving your problem.
  24. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (PvP tournament kickoff) <t>Bump :P</t>
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