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Everything posted by Furtifk

  1. What do you mean? Can you post screenshots?
  2. Welcome, best of luck on becoming the best trainer there ever was! :P
  3. Best of luck with irl stuff, changes and such. Thanks and see you o/
  4. I've had the same problem in some cases. Although it doesn't seem to affect the outcome severely so could be a small mistake in the code. If some dev could fix this would be appreciated but I feel like they are pretty busy atm.
  5. You could add Jirachi in the "Hax> Skill to win"
  6. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 19/03/2017] <r><IMG src="https://gyazo.com/69d41dc8b8066d2989df788dadc7c705"><s></e></IMG> <br/> <br/> Mhm seems like arnie switched up lugias. <br/> I feel like this lugia is a bit stronger than the previous lugia<br/> <URL url="https://gyazo.com/69d41dc8b8066d2989df788dadc7c705">https://gyazo.com/69d41dc8b8066d2989df788dadc7c705</URL></r>
  7. You don't need to grind for hours,. You just need the right pokemon to figure it out. The thing about PRO that's different from other pokemon games is the challenge of it. Without a challenge there is no need to come back to the game. If you don't feel like pokemon needs to challenge you then just go and play the main stream pokemon games. Best of luck! :Grin:
  8. Don't leave us :(
  9. Re: Easter "Painted" Pokemon Concept -not official- <t>Lets go 50 Shades of Pikachu? The dream?<br/> <br/> A new snorunt color would be interesting :D</t>
  10. Welcome to PRO :D, enjoy your stay! Good choice of server :P
  11. Hello everyone; First of all I'd like to point out although I'm no pro pvp player, I have done a fair amount of battling against other trainers through ratings 0 ; 300 and have asked about teams of some of those over 300 rating. Even with the release of the new choice items and eviolite which was a good update, we still encounter the usual pokemon on pretty much every team ex: Talonflame etc... In atempts to try and counter these popular pokemon I've tried finding a good team that "counters" it or manages to be as powerful as it but in most cases fail due to lack of TMs obtainable or other pokemon not getting access to certain crucial moves to be considered top tier and being able to keep up with the usual gale wing talonflame without necessarily countering it. So I personally think introducing these crucial TM's in the game could be a healthy way to diversify the play in pvp. ( and if it gets too strong then just ban it like you have been doing with many other features like shadow tag) TM list to be obtainable: -Nasty Plot (Favors the use of special sweepers which pvp lacks at the moment compared to the play rate of sword dance users) -Focus Blast (Mainly to make alakazam and the newly added zoroark viable pvp pokemon)(also makes gengar users have more options and be less predictable) -Grass Knot -Quiver Dance (Increases the play rate of special sweepers, or some pokemon like bellossom could be played more frequently) -Dark Pulse (Increases the play rate of dark special attackers like greninja who cannot learn it currently due to no TM) -Rock climb (to make it more accessible to most of the new players since there's not much reward to be gotten out of such an effort) -Aqua Jet (May be a good choice to add but still not entirely needed) -Wild Charge (Would be interesting to increase the power of pokemon NEVER used like luxray) -Stone Edge (Not obtainable on Aerodactyl without TM) -Flash cannon(For special lucario's main STAB) Feel free to comment bellow if there's any TM's like these that should be added in order to create more diversity in pvp.
  12. Re: Nintendo Switch Giveaway <t>Would like the nintendo switch.<br/> Reason: Never really played a zelda game before.</t>
  13. https://gyazo.com/845d369cf88d0396298be98dead62807 https://gyazo.com/fb4c517c6ea9fbfd9e7f6e03d85a551e https://gyazo.com/e9407279b84b5d353fc3c44e6025a9f5 https://gyazo.com/3760e4f9d557c25491bed4123bc353aa (Abonné means subscribed en français :Grin: ) Name: Furtifk Message:"It appears I've lost my shiny Charizard. I saw him flying towards Snowpoint city, probably to melt some more snovers. Arghhh he didn't learn his lesson last time. If you manage to find him I will reward you handsomely." Location :Celestic Town Only would like 1 npc for me if possible. Best of luck to yall! :y: :y:
  14. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 05/02/2017] <t>Add klefki as reward from sgath and keres, sry i dont have screenshot but I 100% got it from sgath and keres on 8/2/2017 aswell as 2 overheat tms and 3 rare candies and something like 29000Pokedollars</t>
  15. Is there a move tutor/ tm location for nasty plot or not? Opinions from what i've seen are mixed and since there's a tm vendor sword dance, there should be a nasty plot tm obtainable I think. Can someone please help me find him/ the tm. Thank you.
  16. dunno
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