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Everything posted by Shinychansey

  1. if someone else wins i have to sell to them as those are the auction rules
  2. theres about 2 hours and 50 minutes left for buneary
  3. start 100k insta 1.5m 100k steps last 24h accept cash , cc(400k), iv rr (700k)
  4. Hi, I am just wondering what is the opinion on rare spawn rate in the xmas maps? I only ask because I have noticed the event maps this year had spawns that easier than outside of the event map with the trade off being that its temporary. these include charmander+litwick at hallo event, solosis at hallo event, scther at summer event, frillish and slowpoke at valentines event. However, the spawns atm feel like its better to hunt outside of the map. I want to say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with something being tier 9 rarity or hard to find and want to know others opinions on this :). I love the map and event so dont see this as hating. If people are in favor of making some or all of the rare spawns a bit easier then i suggest this i guess.
  5. is this still on the to do list or has been scrapped?
  6. heys gratz opn garde, are you able to come online atm?
  7. start 100k insta 1m last 24h 100k steps accepts cash, cc(400k), iv rr (700k) sold
  8. +1 my only issue is that i have released alot of godly fails which is annoying xd
  9. im going to bed now, if i have made a mistake then report it please and I apologize in advance
  10. hey, i think you won as hoagluan58 offer appears to be after 24 hours, are you able to come online?
  11. start 100k insta 1m 100k steps last 24h cash , cc(400k), iv reroll(700k) are accepted payments
  12. nvm
  13. start 200k insta 700k 100k steps last 24h accept cash, cc=400k, ivrr=700k
  14. sounds cool but i dont like the idea of different wild spawns so -1 from me. Additionally, some guilds are built in 1 of the 2 servers so switching can be awkward when u need to catch a poke. the time idea is very nice tho.
  15. start 200k insta 1.2m 100k steps 24h auction accept cash, cc=420k, iv rr = 700k
  16. nvm no bids
  17. my character is stuck here, is the a mod who can help? Thanks edit: i just used my brain and used escape rope and its solved
  18. i think youve won shroomish. for charmander , i talk with a mod to see who won edit: Hohlyeraser insta offer is after the time limit so either 86Adrian86 or Kaechi wins it depends on whterh the 205k offer can be accepted im try asking staff atm
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