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About Adityared

  • Birthday 03/08/2003

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. What is your Discord tag?-----> Aditya#8640 How often do you use Discord?------> Everyday. If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be?------->I haven't any suggestion for Discord because it is the best as it is but i want request a thing that please update Reborn bot because it is viewing old ladder.
  2. Re: The Natu's master - 130 PKM - Kaminokage - 100% OT PKM = No scam here <t>MSG me on discord when u will online my Discord id is Aditya#8640</t>
  3. Re: The Natu's master - 130 PKM - Kaminokage - 100% OT PKM = No scam here <r>Jolly Excadrill- <URL url="https://prntscr.com/icqjul">https://prntscr.com/icqjul</URL><br/> Timid Eevee {Total 5 ivs=75 (61%)}- <URL url="https://prntscr.com/icqkgf">https://prntscr.com/icqkgf</URL><br/> Modest Lotad - <URL url="https://prntscr.com/icqky2">https://prntscr.com/icqky2</URL></r>
  4. Re: The Natu's master - 130 PKM - Kaminokage - 100% OT PKM = No scam here <r>Hi i want some pokes as following<br/> <IMG src="https://prntscr.com/icqhfj"><s></e></IMG><br/> <IMG src="https://prntscr.com/icqhpe"><s></e></IMG><br/> <IMG src="https://prntscr.com/icqiow"><s></e></IMG></r>
  5. bye bye onks for 10th exams. [glow=red]Good Luck[/glow] :y: :y:
  6. I want timid hydreigon (100K) pm me on discord to know when i'll be online . Aditya#8640
  7. Re: Xmas special giveaway!! <r><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>1)---> My favourite pokemon is Darkrai beacause he has helped me a lot for beating bosses.<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> <GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>2)---> My best friend is Gatchifire beacause when i was a newbie he was helped me a lot and told many things about the game.<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> <GLOW glow="yellow"><s>[glow=yellow]</s>3)---> I want win for our guild 'Legends'.<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> <GLOW glow="green"><s>[glow=green]</s>4)--->My special wish is to take 1st place in pvp ladder.<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  8. mayor is also saying https://gyazo.com/660404942fbc4ba8a1b8509e3fe53b45
  9. also i havent completed full quest but there is grinch leader already in jail
  10. In Xmas event quest i am unable to go inside of final Mt. Crumpit Summit cave. I havent beaten leader but there is a guard who want let me in . https://gyazo.com/64e94b17b53a2eb4e4a9cb367c68a0e0
  11. Dear Shamac Claus, I was started to play this game on 12th June 2017. From that day i enjoyed this game very much. I made new friends and many more. I am addicted to this game. The most interesting day in my life that i thought it is when Sinnoh Region released. This game has given me a friend who is now nearly like mine brother. I liked this years halloween event. Thanks for making us Darkrai the most powerful dark type pokemon. Darkrai helped me so much in boss fights. I won many boss fights b'coz of that darkrai. I am also enjoying PvP battles of this game. Thank you so much for this game...... -IGN:- AdityaRED Server:- Yellow this is christmas tree for you, https://prntscr.com/hjr9vk
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