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Everything posted by Ladywolf

  1. I'll be sure to give those a read, thanks! I'm sure it'll help a lot :) Thanks for taking the time to put that all together for me!
  2. Hey guys, its been a long minute, and I'm thinking about coming back, but I'm honestly...horrifically lost as of right now. I played back in late 2017, i'm hoping a lot has changed, but at the same time, I'm hoping it wont be too overwhelming lol. If possible, could you kind souls point me in the direction of somewhere to get something akin to a refresher? Pokemon locations(or how to find out), item prices, anything you may think would help me get back in to the groove of things would be greatly appreciated, thanks! May the Poke-gods view your RNG favorably!
  3. Bump~love ya Magma
  4. Sound like a great player to have ;p if possible, try adding Meb on discrod, or messaging him in game ^^ Welcome to the world of pokemon, hope you enjoy x)
  5. Praise be Blue Magma! praise be! *cough* BuMp >_>
  6. Huehue pretty sure your referring to me there ;p...I'm game helping, but like I told you in game...I tend to try and use "Good" pokes, so..Not just a random Carlho guide with random (quite often bad-seeming) pokes. I appreciate his guides, they're basically what I used to get where I am today xD...As well as some other random guides I found along the way. Currently, all of my bosses are cooling down, so starting when the first one cools down, I'll start on my strategy, getting them down on paper so to say, so I'm not going by memory xD... All in all, we got this. HOWEVER!...I might suggest a spin-off guide, for bosses instead. I think an All-In-One would get WAY too crowded and annoying.
  7. Date:September 27th, 2017 (May have taken place LATE 9-26, waited a few hours in case of delays) Server: Blue (Sorry if this should be under scripting, wasn't 100% sure) I was doing my daily boss check, Koichi was ready so I went and fought him. Today was my third consecutive win, and I won the pokemon choice. I chose a Pancham, however it didn't go to my PC or my party (Party was full). I don't recall my reward for beating Koichi (Not the pokemon choice reward, just the normal one) so I don't know if I'm missing a pokemon from that too. If something could be done; I'm not expecting to get a pokemon out of it at this point, but if it could be looked in to for future prevention (or knowledge if I somehow did something wrong?), it would be wonderful. Thank you, IGN: LadyWolf
  8. Re: Softboiled and Unaware ability combined - Allow or Ban from ranked PvP or not? <t>Comment to vote. Might put my reasoning later, short on time.</t>
  9. Please contact one of the blue officers where you're next on, thanks. ^^
  10. Looking for a price, please and thank you ^^
  11. Invited, welcome to Blue Magma ^^
  12. Thanks, Praxis <3 totally made it myself *cough cough*
  13. We'll I like one with hypercutter just to prevent any atk loss -- e.g., intimidate. Good luck with your list. Quite true...I honestly hadn't even thought about that at the time of writing (3A.m right before bed) :confused: Hopefully it'll keep going as well as it has though x) or else it looks like I'll be hunting a new gligar :Heart-eyes:
  14. Thanks Lake ^^
  15. Dunno if anybody ever looks at this anymore but...Gliscor+Poison+leftovers(toxic orb before the boss, use sword dance/agility on wild poke, then run after your poisoned, then give it leftovers) on poison heal gliscor is INSANE heals. Solo'd Bugsy, Bruno, and 5/6 of Kagawa's pokes. MIGHT switch to Aerial Ace instead of Acrobatics...using an item, Aerial Ace might do more dmg than Acrobatics soo...yea (Might add more to my short lil list of bosses beat at a later time...) Sorry for the wayyyy old bump ;\
  16. Praise be Blue Magma! Praise be Blue Magma!
  17. Please and thank you for the help ^^
  18. 100k if its still going -3-
  19. IGN : LadyWolf Answer 1 :Azelf Answer 2 :Lolian Triforce pieces/Lolian Triforce
  20. Bumparoo
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