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Everything posted by Immimo

  1. Auction starts at the time of the first bid the duration will be 48h after the first bid action finish 02/03/2020 at 13:05 GMT/UTC s.o 1m c.o 1m cc=380k nature=340k iv rerroll=680k Min raise:100k insta: 1,5m good luck
  2. c.o 20m by Jorogumo 5day(Thursday 1st April 12h gmt+1) left insta 20m ??' what?
  3. okay ^^ pm me discord or game for meet ^^
  4. sold lucario jolly 30 speed
  5. not available srry
  6. bump
  7. 250K haxo? yes ^^
  8. bump
  9. bump
  10. hello I'm seeing from which position heal + lefthovers at some point one of the two stops working + 6hp lefthovers and 12% poison heal but my breelom is about to leave 50% of life at all times I was suggested to report it here in the forum
  11. sold haxorus hasty
  12. I feel this but ... superhuy contacted me first to ask about this dragonite If our deal is not fulfilled I will contact you ^^ <3
  13. sold amoonguss bold
  14. sold rotom wash+syc poke
  15. sold sylveon yanmega and volcarona
  16. bump low prices <3
  17. dragonite jolly and garch h.a jolly +20 sold
  18. perfect pm when you are online <3
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