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Everything posted by Jeegolo

  1. 190k drillbur
  2. What's your IGN? Jeegolo, I'm friends with Jeflo and Moholin PLEASE CONTACT ME HERE - Discord IGN : jeelette ● How old are you? 25 ● Where are you from? Switzerland ● What's your total playtime? ~2k ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? I'm a completionist so pretty much complete everything, right now we want to farm the pinkan dungeon. ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) Participate in dungeon (especially pinkan) And the most important question of them all: Which Bidoof Form do you like the most? RAIDOOF
  3. Thank you very much homie God bless. Edit: Gonna close this topic then or waiting to be closed
  4. Hello, Basically I deleted the email (alias) connected to my microsoft account and therefor is not accessible anymore. It was used in this account and I wanted to change the email but it sends a confirmation link to my deleted email (which I cannot access anymore) so here I am. I honestly don't know if I am in the wrong place to post this and I'm sorry in advance if I was. I can provide any needed info if necessary.
  5. give me your discord id to set up a meetup
  6. 350k for shuckle 2
  7. shuckle 2 250k
  8. shuckle 2 200k
  9. Shuckle 2 150k
  10. Jee#9089
  11. 1.1m
  12. 300k or offer 100k or offer 1mio if I dont answer here pm me on discord : Jee#9089
  13. Sold to Dragon73 winner of the auction
  14. Top bidder Dragon 73 1m.
  15. Auction : - s.o (starting offer) 1m - min bid 100k - end in 48 hours accept cc = 380k
  16. Jeegolo


    IMMUNITY as an ability is a must if you want to play it for PVP purpose. But if you want it for story content or some bosses then yes your gligar is still worth training as it has 2 defensive immunity. Then again the ability Immunity is really what makes gligar (and the poison heal on gliscor) really good. For the ev training I would suggest you to type on google "gliscor smogon" and see what you prefer training
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