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Everything posted by 2001win

  1. ty auction will end at 4:47
  2. auction will be ended in 15mins
  3. H.P ground bro ok ok.Because they bid at the sametime I thougt i just need evidence of the highest offer so i didnt get the picture of 250k offer by feeelrr. I will pay attention next time
  4. C.o now is 400k by drakecp9 bro
  5. s.o: 100k min bid: 50k end in 24h after the first bid accept cc 400k, nature reroll 350k, iv reroll 750k contact me on discord: win#0736 C.O: 1m by zidanfah
  6. auction is ended can be closed
  7. 1m2 c.o by arshierney now
  8. 1m c.o by kin3 now
  9. C.O: 800k now by Ashierney
  10. S.o 700k min bid up: 100k end in 24h after the first bid My discord: win#0736 Insta 2m
  11. i sent friend request to you on discord check it
  12. S.o: 300k min bid up: 100k End in 24h after the first bid
  13. Sold. Can be closed thank you
  14. i have lend a shiny naive gyarados to my friend is jojii 1 week ago(7 days lending). And a few days ago he send it back to me but i cant get it back to my account. Is there anyway to get it back? :(( HELP
  15. Start price: 800k Min increase:100k End in 3day since the first bid.
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