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Everything posted by 2001win

  1. insta :v
  2. 400k
  3. u won the c.o when can we meet?
  4. bump!
  5. C.o: 1m Peterwitzig91 Min increase bid 50k Insta: 1m5 End in 24h from the firt bid.
  6. im onl now. Can we meet at vulcanic town pc or olivine pc?
  7. Ok i ll end the c.o.
  8. Ty i ll update
  9. Insta: 2m(by piproom) Min bid increase: 50k End in 48h from the first bid.
  10. last min sold to priproom ty all
  11. ty and i ll update end time too
  12. i ll update ty
  13. sold to piproom
  14. when can we trade?
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