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Everything posted by Iredxy

  1. Iredxy

    Ban blaziken

    if you give ban blaziken ban the walls type plant a sableye skarmory and slowbro
  2. Iredxy

    Ban blaziken

    blaziken is fine your move type fight usually fails have counters band nite ada wins from extreme speed 252+ Atk Choice Band Dragonite Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Blaziken: 196-231 (65.1 - 76.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO not to mention that not all the team have blaziken, then you have counters if your move type fight is not 100% accurate why have problems? I see that as exaggeration sword dance to put a clean sword dance is not easy at all you will not always throw a sd and win everything that is in front. when a pokemon beats all of 1 hit if it can be banned but banning a pokemon that needs items and does not beat all of 1 hit should not be banned. if a pokemon is strong in a metagame, it is simply modified 252 Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Aqua Jet vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Blaziken: 291-343 (96.6 - 113.9%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Aqua Jet vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Blaziken: 320-378 (106.3 - 125.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
  3. Iredxy

    Ban blaziken

    Azul band 252 atk 252 hp
  4. Iredxy

    Ban blaziken

    if you have specific cases and do not usually go with those moves I feel that they make many excuses besides the goal is very limited missing many things, I feel that they make excuses to remove a pokemon took a long time and the blaziken have not given me problems
  5. Iredxy

    Ban blaziken

    If I'm wrong, they have the right to tell me otherwise, it's just my opinion.
  6. Iredxy

    Ban blaziken

    Talonflame has no more priority than protection, but if any of its attacks. Talonflame countess it easy, Azumarill, resists its two STABs and has Acua Jet with priority, Jellicent, Chandelure with Absorb Fire is IMMUNE to its two STABs, Gyarados that also lowers its attack, has enough counters, if it has sharp Rock it does not take Dance sword and lose enough power, so any Poke that resists its two STABs will countertrade it. I will never understand why Uber is with the counters he has. A balanced team with good strategy has nothing to lose against blaziken
  7. Iredxy

    Ban blaziken

    you are not right they are exaggerating.
  8. Iredxy

    Ban blaziken

    I respect your decisions a lot, but I disagree because it is a pokemon with many counters with ban do not fix things hurt them more.
  9. pm in game im online now
  10. conkledur 300k
  11. something that could happen was that you bought it from a player and instead of 60 days you bought 30. But, luck with your case.
  12. that's not usually happen, are you sure you bought 60 days?
  13. WTB epic pawniard or bisharp +25 +25 epic ivs
  14. Re: Shiny Pikachu (good ivs) <t>end. Karambooo win thanks guys :)</t>
  15. you're right, thank you smoke
  16. Hey i want sell my Shiny Pikachu :3 Start bid 2m 50k or more difference in each offer Insta... Current bid: [glow=Blue]Karambooo[/glow] [glow=red]3m[/glow] ended.
  17. How much u think?
  18. Hey i want pc for this poke
  19. :3 good poke
  20. you're right!! BUT!! I recommend you do with a group of people who DO have this problem and there will be some help for this problem. Good Luck :)
  21. [marq=left][glow=white]Welcome to PoKéStore iRed[/glow][/marq] [glow=red]Rules[/glow] [glow=white]Contact me!![/glow] ING: iredxy Discord: iredxy#9455 Here too!! [glow=black]Trained Pokemons[/glow] [glow=black]Untrained Pokemons[/glow] [glow=Gold]Shiny Pokemons[/glow] [glow=red]MORE SERVICES COMING SOON....[/glow]
  22. Want to boy epic pawniard +25atk +25spd
  23. [glow=yellow]Only Wait[/glow]
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