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Everything posted by Iredxy

  1. It's weird with the boss of sevii islands but it was only a second and then everything went back to normal, did not you open your bag? because that usually happens too. (sometimes) Good Luck.
  2. it can be a problem of probabilities too, you can get up to 1000 pokes without h.a because you have a 75% chance that it does not come out
  3. i have this problem of 17 snivy 0 h.a and 11 dratini 0 h.a -_-
  4. yes and when you have lum berry sometimes dont work
  5. this is posible?
  6. Celestial o.o Arceus
  7. Tyranitar Start Bid 400k the best bid in 3 days win Shiny Wooper u can offer here:https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=111&p=455942#p455942
  8. H.A start bid 350k insta 800k.... 3 days ING: Iredxy
  9. Halloween event ING: Iredxy (Blue Server) Screenshots: Answer 1:Spiritomb is the poke with 108 entities Answer 2: Ancient Celtic harvest festivals, particulary the Samhain (Ireland) Answer 3:Rock and Normal Answer 4:(Golett, Golurk), Sandygast and Palossand Answer 5: 9 Pokemon Type Ghost
  10. where i can post the answers?
  11. I WANT BUY 3 CC IN 900K
  12. if u want u can offer
  13. Hey i want sell this Goodra Start bid 600k insta 2.5m Thanks!! [glow=red]CLOSED[/glow]
  14. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Terminator and Maribela (Sinnoh) ADDED! <t>and Terminator??</t>
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