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Everything posted by Mikyun

  1. start vuplix
  2. 69069
  3. new offer
  4. WTS Godly Sharpedo Start offer 500k, min raise 50k end 24 hours start when first offer Accept Nature Reroll 250k IV Reroll 550k cc 400k Sharpedo SOLD 801,333 by @Monkeydspike
  5. ACCOUNT RESET USERNAME: Mikyun Server: Gold note: my account stuck in Pokemon Tower, can't progress anything.. i dont have pokedollars and require time coz stuck (i already report this but no respond)
  6. halo there i just fight mini boss at breezy falls and something like this popup after i won
  7. its near.. till bcc reset
  8. Current offer by Fumesec
  9. ------------------------------ POKEMON ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------ - PVP and Boss Ready - Extend Time if last bidder didn't online (max 2h) - Extend Time if Server Maintenance/Lost Connection - Fake offer = Reported - Free Delivery - Contact me ingame: Mikyun ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Price ------------------------------ S.O: 500k Insta: 1.5m Minimal Rise: 50k ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Payment Method ------------------------------ Pokedollars Capsule Coin - 280k Nature Reroll - 280k IV Reroll - 580k Rare Candy - 4k ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Estimated Timeout ------------------------------ SOLD ------------------------------ ------------------------------ SOLD ------------------------------
  10. yes, its down.. and its only silver.. feelsbadman
  11. what actual happen to silver server.. i can't login.. and my char on gold got stuck somehow.. aw, suck!!!
  12. Azumarill and goodra SOLD
  13. Welcome ---------------------------------------------- Rules and Information ~ Contact me in game : Mikyun ~ Price is fix ~ i take Pokedollars only ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Price: 150k ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Price: 200k ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Price: 300k ---------------------------------------------- Thank You
  14. help, my char stuck at pokemon tower 2f, i forgot to bring escape rope.. i have no idea how i get in there.. ign: Mikyun
  15. dear admin, please fix "work up" move, its only increase ATK but it doesn't increase SPATK. thank you
  16. - ign: Mikyun - I love pokemon because i love RPG games. Pokemon has unique battle system and use brain too much. - My favorite pokemon will be Lopunny, cute looking and good support for bossing
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