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Everything posted by Adajolly

  1. IGN : adajolly answer : 1.What is the pokemon that is really 108 entities ? spirit bomb 2.Where did Halloween originate from ? Ireland,date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain 3.What ghost is immune to Tynamo ? gollet/shedinja 4.How many Ghost Type Pokemon were introduced in generation 5 ? '9' pokemon 5.What type has ghost not yet been paired with ? normal type gl to evryone hope be mine :kiss:
  2. closed pls change my mind
  3. close pls
  4. :Crazy: repost
  5. 155+ ivs i believe xmax cracker/silver disc i have done with my slowpoke 157 ivs = xmax cracker horsea 156 ivs = silver disc dont have screen shot sry :Crazy: its mean like tier 5 reward for chose :Shy:
  6. update some good common think 200k 200k 200k
  7. agree only pvp coin :Smile:
  8. maybe you missing something ? there is many guide i believe
  9. Proniko :Smile:
  10. hallo guys my name adajolly in game from server blue i want share thing cheap tactic for beat hanna npc 6 sinnoh this how look like my team : https://imgur.com/a/yz5K9 ok lets go 1.put goldeen in first slot (he will kill houndoom and marchamp just use skill to spam it bcz mine goldeen is low lvl) after that hanna mad and switch his best talonflame dont worry here we go 2.switch goldeen to togekiss this my togekiss https://imgur.com/3jeLE2Y (using any demage to talonflame let it die togekis) togekiss die but he was also doing job make hp talon flame dying 3.switch kabutops move aqua jet only this my kabutops https://imgur.com/P8PcGKK (using aqua jet move only until talonflame die) in here hanna so angry so he use mega pokemon :D mega metagros coming but dont worry keep kabutops use aqua jet for last time let it die 4.switch gengar this my gengar https://imgur.com/C4MtzKW in here role gengar is revive togekis and kabutops and heal up ^^ after that kill that metagros hanna will be mad so she use volcarona but calm ez 5.swtch gengar to togekiss in here just spam move dmg to volcarona then let it die then swtch kabutops (aqua jet only) kabutops will die but there is pokemon we need to save us until sinnoh swtich to goldeen https://imgur.com/HTbs7Sm then revive kabutops and move (aqua jet only) he die again, calm switch huntail https://imgur.com/cdLAE1I revive kabutops and move (aqua jet only) #note if you lucky togekiss doing dmg to volca or kabutops do crit dmg to volca if volca not die calm we have gengar (use shadow ball) for last hp volca have after kabutops doing damage before last pokemon hanna is the best mega again because he mad :Crazy: 6.say hallo to sinnoh https://imgur.com/bjI7bf1 and https://imgur.com/C4MtzKW #magnezone sturdy #gengar thunder bolt that thing i just wanna to share for guide beat hanna npc if i have diferent team with you guys so sry im not good but try the best but for rememmeber bring potion and revive guys sometimes you forgot about it ^^ ty this only i have to share ign : adajolly server : what makes me so love BLUE suicune :Heart-eyes: any idea for share and help reply it for anyone who limit dont have team pokemon like me ^^ https://imgur.com/dXLkEmy
  11. https://imgur.com/a/YXK0L traded in game #SOLD ty :Smile: #CLOSE
  12. https://imgur.com/0XMESrt traded #SOLD pls close
  13. sold by [mention]kaamikaze[/mention] with start bid pm in game or i will find you in game ty :Smile:
  14. sold 800k by [mention]PopInSmoke[/mention] bcz no one offer again i iwll close it ty guys pm me in game or i will try find you in game :Shy:
  15. [mention]PopInSmoke[/mention] its like around 2 hours from now you win just re-edit post for end time :Smile:
  16. bump 2 hours left :Angel:
  17. re-edit post for last bid 5 hours left bump :Angel:
  18. bid start by kaamikaze up :Angel:
  19. sold at least from start bid ty :Smile: https://imgur.com/qbPsoAf
  20. bid 800k by PoplnSmoke up :Angel:
  21. https://prnt.sc/g8ebrr prefer 1.3m or any offer sold close pls ty :Angel:
  22. from 5 hours farm actually i play everyday with black ms still found around like 2-5 dratini h.a which only 1 good ivs h.a the other trash and release no broken ,still taste normal for me
  23. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>my name is nature the best pokemon :D<br/> <br/> ign : adajolly<br/> server : blue</t>
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