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About Norbi

  • Birthday 07/07/1995

Personal Information

  • Career
    Professional over-sleeper.
  • IGN
  • Occupation
    Professional over-sleeper.

Norbi's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Level it up/evolve it and speak to a move bullet found either in Cerulean or Saffron.
  2. Read this and this.
  3. Pretty good, I like it.
  4. What's with all these people thinking they will be Gym Leaders? xD Anyway, welcome to you sir.
  5. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>At the "Combo EV Sets" section, under "HP and Def"; you mentioned Muk. Muk gives you an HP and an Attack EV, not Defense.</t>
  6. Yeah, exactly what I meant.
  7. I can assure you that your membership has nothing to do with your encounter rates. MS lets you encounter some of the Pokemon earlier than you could with no MS, that's the only way it changes it.
  8. Re: Guide For Celdadon Daily Quest <t>Oh, didn't even know this exists. I'll make sure to do this too and help out with the prize list once I'm done with the story.</t>
  9. Fair enough, I don't mind a challenge, but since I've heard other people complain about this in game, I thought I'd ask/suggest its change. Topic may be locked.
  10. I don't know if this has been brought up before on the forums, but Johto's wild Pokemon levels don't match with your Pokemon's supposed level exactly, making grinding for GYMs and even trainers too tough (I mean I've lost to a gym leader and 2 random trainers at the beginning of Johto, which has never happened to me before) and it kind of needs fixing in my opinion. Is this on purpose? Or if not, could y'all fix it?
  11. I voted yes, but I'd want to be able to turn it off if I or anyone else changes his/her mind. Don't know if that's possible, but I think it would be better that way.
  12. Enjoy your stay.
  13. Basic, straight to the point and newb-friendly too. Good job.
  14. Norbi

    Custom Cursor

    Can a staff member responsible for features like this please post here and let us know what's up? I'm thinking scripters and artists. It has been 2 weeks.
  15. Sorry broski, I joined Memoire a few days ago.
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