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  1. bump for my bro he is sleeping
  2. s.o 1k min raise 50k insta 1m 24 hour auction after s.o is met.
  3. s.o 100k min raise 50k insta 1.7m auction will last 24 hours after the s.o has been met. accept cc at 400k and pokedollars
  4. .
  5. My Xmas Metagross mount is on my Gold account but I need it on my Silver account as that is my main account. Hugs and kisses. Kameljon.
  6. Auction cancelled, no bids. Please close
  7. lowered s.o 200k - insta 800k
  8. s.o 200k 800k insta min raise 100k auction will begin when the starting offer is met and will last 48 hours.
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