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Everything posted by Krassh

  1. What is your Discord tag? Krassh#2694 How often do you use Discord? everyday If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? maybe add rooms to speak in different languages and not only in english
  2. -YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON AND WHY? Gardevoir since it left gardevoir I always spent hours looking for one on route 102 to have it on my computer and I always looked for it female XD is something indispensable in my team, it has to be if or if -WHY YOU WANT TO WIN? in case you give me a Christmas gardevoir @ _ @ I've been looking for it for more than a week without success -WHAT DO YOU WISH FOR CHRISTMAS? :V ralts or kirlia female and xmas !!! -WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND AND WHY? :') no have friends
  3. then to get to latias?
  4. Is it random or will you always appear latios?
  5. Do you have any idea if they are going to implement something new?
  6. I'm going round x wayward cave and I have finished all the repellents I brought and I still do not find the item .... where exactly do you have some map or something?
  7. :o nice, gona try luck
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