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Everything posted by Animesh3011

  1. OK i will post your offer......23 hours are left for now....and sorry i was facing network problem cuz of storm here
  2. Ok i will put your name ....and thanks for bidding ^^
  3. Sir/Mam, On 21st january my guild mate whose username is krawod had sent me a pick axe by mail. But i didn't get it and i am afraid that he might have sent it to the wrong person by mistake. I checked my mailbox multiple times and even relogged and restarted the client but didn't get that. I request you to look into this matter. Thank you Animesh3011
  4. Hi senior, Thank you once again for training my pokemon's ev's in such a short period of time. No doubt you're the best caretaker on server (even better than brock). I'll pm you for training more mons for sure. Thank you, Animesh
  5. Amazon forest and ev training area in safari can be accessed without membership
  6. Respected organizers of this event, I'm animesh3011 and my answers are- -YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON AND WHY? My favourite pokemon is darkrai as though he was hated by everyone in his town, when those people were in danger he risked his life and took on two legendaries alone to save his people. His kindness makes him my favourite. -WHY YOU WANT TO WIN? Actually i don't compete with a mentality to win.. I compete in various competitions to test my knowledge, my strengths and weaknesses and of course...to get to know more people and make friends -WHAT DO YOU WISH FOR CHRISTMAS? My wish for Christmas is that all the people become kind towards each other and everyone live happily without any hatred. -WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND AND WHY? I don't have 'a' best friend..All my friends are my best friends as all of them are dear to me. Each one is helpful in one way or other. They all make me laugh & enjoy my life.
  7. PLAYER CATEGORY : Smartest: Praxis Friendliest: Krawod Funniest: Mickdze Coolest: Krawod Comeback Player of the Year: Most Talkative: Jstar Most Trustworthy: Krawod Most Helpful: Krawod Most Missed (who parted from PRO this year but hasn't returned): Danieltuan Most Influential (good or bad, who made the biggest impact on the community this year): Praxis Most Intriguing (who manages to capture your attention for some weird/unique reason): STAFF CATEGORY: Best GM: Best CC: Best MOD: Best CS: Naero Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Mapper: Tiggus Most Professional Staff: Most Friendly Staff: Most Dedicated Staff: Most Honorable Former Staff:
  8. Thanks mate for getting that starly trained in a short period of time. I'll look forward to get more mons trained by you Thank you Animesh
  9. Now the problem is solved i really appreciate those who helped
  10. Hi My username is animesh3011, i went for ev training in safari zone fuchsia. But while returning i found myself stuck on map and i can't move anywhere. Please help me.. ..
  11. 1.Can you use discord? : yes 2.What can you do for our guild(Why would we want you) : in 3-4 days i would hopefully start pvping and would help other members of guild if i can 3.Can you be active on both discord and in game? : yeah sure 4.What is your favorite pokemon? : darkrai 5.How many badges and game play hours do you have? : badges=16, hours=64+
  12. Hi, I would like to join your guild. My in game name is animesh3011. I have completed kanto and johto regions and I'm currently training ratatta for hoenn. I have a good knowledge about pokemons. I'm training pokemons to level 100 and have almost trained 4 such pokemons. So in couple of days or 1-2 more i would start pvp. I would be really grateful if i join your guild. Thank you.
  13. Re: Origin guild -TOP 3- (Blue and Red server) recruiting active players! <r>Ign:animesh3011<br/> Hours of played?:46+<br/> Favorite pokemon and why? <E>:D:</E>Darkrai, because of his nature as he was hated by people of his town but he took on two pokemons(palkia and dialga) alone to save those people<br/> Are you able to visit our discord server?:yes<br/> Why should we accept you to our guild?:because i want to make friends from different regions and i have been playing pokemon games for many years so my knowledge may come handy and i also want to learn new things about pokemons.</r>
  14. Hi, I'm new here been playing the game for about 24 hours and few minutes, defeated kanto gym peaders and going to take on elite 4, traded some pokemons and lost a couple too (cheated by a trainer.....lol because i didn't know anything at that time) . I hope to beat all leaders and bosses, make new friends and have fun here. I also hope to catch many rare and special ones.
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