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Everything posted by Mawouel
Hello guys, spent 2 days farming for gligars and since i had very disappointing results if you have one to sell I'd take it. Feel free to post a screenshot on this thread. I'd pref an ok/decent poison heal one, but hyper cutter is cool too if the IVs are good. I can offer up to 500k at my own discretion depending on the pokemon you show.
I trained a tenta only for liquid ooze. I was disappointed as well :3
Currently Bugged&Working Abilities/Moves/HM/TM-Work in Progress
Mawouel replied to Vintus's topic in Outdated Guides
You are probably aware but since it isn't listed as not available, freeze-dry isnt available as an egg move for lapras so i guess it isn't implemented yet. -
Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><B><s></s>1. What is your nickname in PRO?<e></e></B> Mawouel<br/> <br/> <B><s></s>2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why?<e></e></B> My favorite Pokemon type is ice, because they are cool and chilled <E>:Cool:</E> , and my favourite pokemon would be Frosslass, in terms of design and overall feeling. <br/> <br/> <br/> <B><s></s>3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO?<e></e></B> I am a competitive player that always loved PvP in a lot of different MMO, and i come into PRO with the objective of being amongst the best PvP players. I will dedicate myself to dig the meta and to try to be always ahead of everyone in order to keep being top ranked as long as possible.<br/> <br/> <br/> <B><s></s>4. What made you to join on this journey with us?<e></e></B> After some ladder games with Somes, we talked about how much i hated his Blissey and he advised me to try to apply for Inferno Blaze, so here I am talking about myself :3 I have already heard about Blaze before talking about it with Somes, and I think your ambition matches mine, so I hope we can get along. I may seem very serious at first, but I am a very talkative and helpful person, and some would say I'm also funny (sometimes... Ok, i find myself funny, I don't know for the others)<br/> <br/> <br/> <B><s></s>5. What is your final objective in PRO?<e></e></B> Finally make a hail team that everyone will fear ! I have always loved weather teams since they got a strong identity, and i want to be able to put together my beloved Ice types to make a strong and viable PvP team. Yes this is a "final" objective, because, let's say it, ice type is one of the worst defensive typing and everyone knows it :(</r>
What i said about not throwing blissey too carelessly is true for every physical setup sweeper a rain team could use, Azumarill being the most knowned one. Of course, others exists, like kingdra DD (even if it could be waaay more devastating with the proper move pool), or even swords dance kabutops. Rain teams can use non water typed Pokemons as well that are complemented by the fire dmg reduction, such as Scyzor, so a Sword dance Scyzor got the same kind of window when Blissey pops up. I will be less specific about this chapter and just say to be careful about physical setup sweepers.
As an user of rain myself, and since a lot of people seem to struggle a lot against rain teams, I'd like to give my 2 cents about the diverse options that are actually good ways to counter rain based teams : I/ The infamous frog, drizzle Politoed. The way to recognise a rain team in one second is by his most common lead and mandatory weather inducer, Politoed. At the moment you see a drizzle Politoed, you know with a 100% certitude that the opposing team is going to be abusing water typed pokemons, and swift swim users. Some good ways to threaten a Politoed lead are : 1) Gyarados dragon dance Gyarados, while being a very good physical sweeper on itself, can be a very good asset against rain teams : Politoed is either forced out instantly since he can't kill effectively gyarados, or might try to land a Hypnosis on him. Getting a lum berry on your gyarados lead gives you all the room you want to setup him and start sweeping with him. Since Gyarados uses rain quite well itself, he can threaten rain sweepers and bulkies as effectively as the rain user's sweepers do for yours. A moxie Gyarados that got one DD setup can be able to sweep an entire unprepared rain team, so he is one of the most threatening lead a rain team can face. 2) Weavile Since Politoed is OHKOed by weavile's beatup, you can be sure to force him out on the first turn of the game no matter what. The only reliable check I've found to weavile as a rain user is Azumarill, since Azumarill will take about 50% of his hp on Weavile's beatup and then be able to OHKO him with a prioritary Aqua jet. Forcing an Azumarill to switch in this way can still be a very good thing, preventing any future belly drum. The only thing to do is to not let Weavile after the first beatup turn and to switch to some bulky pokemon that will be able to check Azumarill and force him out. 3) Breloom Breloom typing and speed allows it to hit rain teams very hard and very fast, with not much reliable checks available for rain users. Other good leads to be added II/ Stalling the rain. A big drawback of the present rain teams is their heavy reliance on special sweepers and walls, such as kingdra or Slowbro. Being able to kill the main physical sweeper(s) of a rain team will most of the time mean the game is won if you got a huge special wall in your team, such as : 1) Blissey The N°1 Blob stands his place, being a major threat to rain teams. The simple fact of playing a Blissey in your team forces the opponent's rain teams to considerably slow their playstyle, as Blissey will check every single special user of rain teams. Be wary of not throwing your Blissey in too carelessly, as it could mean a free setup for any physical setup sweeper such as bellydrum Azumarill, sword dance kabutops, or even non water type sweepers like sword dance Scyzor. 2) Milotic Milotic being a very good special wall with access to pseudo hazing in the form of dragon tail, and good offensive options as well, is a very viable asset to run against anyone, rain teams included. The only thing to remember is that dragon tail will NOT work on Azumarill being dragon typed, and that a belly drummed Azumarill can very well OHKO Milotic with aqua jet if his DEF side is too weak. That sounds ridiculous, and that actually is. Other good walls options to be added III/ Cutting the rain. A good way to shut down rain user's team synergy is to simply... Shut down the rain itself. As simple as it may seem, few Pokemon have actually access to weather inducing abilities, and fewer are those that can do well against rain teams. Ninetale and sun teams are naturally countered by rain teams, and Tyranitar has a hard time staying on the field against all the water typed. The only threatening weather inducer I had faced so far was Abomasnow, which typing is terrible in standard condition but becomes excellent against rain teams : Unlike most grass types, he is not weak not all the ice beams ran by rain teams, and he can hit them back very hard with wood hammer, his main sweeping limit being set by the recoil damage. IV/ Playing it smart. When facing a rain team, the first thing to be considered is since they will probably play a water heavy comp, electric typed moves will hit exceptionnally hard. However, every rain team user will play an electric absorber of some sort. This is when you have to outsmart your opponent : If you throw in a gengar or a starmie, your opponent will probably wait for a thunderbolt to come, and try to counter it with his own electric absorber. While it may be smart to just throw in thunderbolt in order to check who is your opponent's lightning rod, it can be devastating as well. Giving a +1 speed to an eventual electivire could mean he could be very hard to stop, while giving a free setup to some other could just ruin your momentum. In this aspect, nothing is decided in advance, you have to make a choice in wether or not you will take the risk to try to read the lightning's rod switch in. For exemple, a surf under rain or a shadow ball from a gengar could very much ohko some of the squishier electric absorbers, or ruin their switch in by chunking a lot of their hp, but a fail read could mean certain death to your own electric type user. Work in progress ____________________________________________________________________ I know there is still a lot more to be added, and since I am not a PRO veteran some things i said might be inaccurate. If anyone could give their own thoughts on things to add/remove to this guide, I'd be very happy to hear any argument. If there are typos/non english sentences feel free to tell me, as I am not and English native speaker.
With weavile, a combination of Beatup/Beatup/beatup and beatup is pretty strong. More seriously, if you lead with weavile beatup is the go to move, 100% of the weavile lead users I've seen are pretty much spamming this move (actually, I've seen one use ice shard once, but i think it was a missclick)
Re: Pokémon Tiers and PvP Trends [2016-1-17][Current] <t>I wonder why 5 out of 6 pokes of my team are rated OU :whistle:<br/> In my opinion, some of the poke listed in the higher tiers are only OU when played in a specific setup.<br/> I'll take as exemple what I'm playing atm, the rain team (and how those rated OU should or should not wether they are strong individually or not) :<br/> -Politoed is the bread and butter of rain team and rain is known to be a very strong comp in the current meta, so I'd say drizzle Politoed = deserved OU.<br/> -Milotic and Azumarill are very strong even outside of rain teams, deserved OU as well (even if i don't see this much Azumarills atm, but it will come for sure)<br/> -KIngdra and Electivire : while they are very good inside of rain teams, they are really outclassed in all other comps, so I'd say swift swim Kingdra only should be OU, and Electivire should probably be in a lower tier since he is only a lightning rod for those teams and is outclassed by most other common sweepers in non rain teams.<br/> <br/> I'll try to see more in details what you have listed there and add my grain of salt, very interesting thread anyways !<br/> <br/> EDIT : I didn't notice where you placed abomasnow but since he is a notable counter to rain teams (no ice weakness unlike most grass types, very hard hitting grass type move, anti rain ability), i'd say his rating should be on whether or not rain is played a lot or not, and if sun teams/fire type pokemons are common or not. I don't know if you did tiers based on frequency of use or based in raw individual/strategic strength, but in term of strategic strength i'd place abomasnow in UU, if not OU</t>
I think we can close this thread unless it helps other people, i have figured a way to wall break with my comp with the addition of egg moves. Anyways, thanks for the advices everyone :) Also for those talking about creating our own metagame, i totally agree on this point. The only thing i tried to say is i don't want a normal-typed stall metagame to be prominent since it would take out all the fun and the mindgame of Pokemon PvP.
thats only a visual bug. Upon using a move, the damaged pokemon will "heal". It doesnt really heal (because it isnt really damaged), it will just show the proper hp/pp values. and yea, even at 500+ i get matched up with so many 0 point peeps. I'm 100% sure it was not a visual bug, i lost a game because my politoed started it with 20% hp and died in one seismic toss from blissey... After this occurence i triple checked every time before entering queue, and since i use a lot of berries anyways i need to take a few secs to refresh items. I had status effect lasting after a game too, but never tried to start one with a status effect on.
In terms of matchmaking, on low server frequentation hours, it took me maximum 10mn to get matched up, but it happened that i had to play with the same 2-3 players several times in a row. I still got matched with 0 points people even with 200+ points but that may be because it is the beginning of the season. As rafayel said, points earned and lost depend on the points difference with your opponent. The only thing you have to check between matches is if your team got healed up properly, and sometimes you will need to go in and out of the pokecenter to be able to speek to the nurse.
I think people should not take "estimated time" too seriously, because it depends on the rate of people disconnecting at the same time. I had a 900+ queue that lasted no more than 20 minutes, maybe because it was a time when everyone was logging out, or maybe a lot of people quit the queue. DOn't be discouraged by the number, you will get logged in in less than an hour 99% of the time, and most probably in around 30 minutes max. It's pretty much the same amount of time that i was taking to log before, without having to spam the log in button and to rely on luck. The only problem i had with queue so far was getting kicked of it for no reason, and this is actually a big issue, since i could wait 30mn before checking it again only to see i'm not in queue anymore. Besides that, the queue system is a great improvement for most players.
I will agree with what has been said with a slight difference : epic in my opinion, is optimized for PvP, and not necesserarily 20+ everywhere. For exemple, i don't care if my azumarill got 25 in spatk, or if my milotic got 31 in atk. You can take Piwali definition as a reminder of what you should have when selling supposed epic pvp, but you can still think by yourself about what you're selling. Some stats are mostly useless for some poke (i'm not talking about defensive stats that are always useful no matter what), and a poke can be godlike in pvp even if half his stats are below 20. Second exemple, i got 2 slowbros : one is "semi-epic" by your standards, having 22+ in every stat, is bold and has oblivious (i know regenerator is better, but oblivious is very good in this meta as well, in fact, all of slowbros abilities are good for pvp). I got a second bold/oblivious one that got 3 atk, 31 def, 9 speed, 15 spatk, 29 spedef and 30 hp. Believe it or not, i prefer by far the second one who fits his role in my composition way better, and I will not hesitate to call him "epic" if i ever want to sell it. I know my point of view is very close to Piwali's, but i wanted to make this precision. I've seen a lot of people just look at nature, look if every IV seem 20+ without thinking about what pokemon they are looking at and which role it is supposed to fit. A lot of people qualified my slowbro of "trash" at first, because 2 IV's are below 10, even if one of them is useful in 1 game out of 100 and the other will never be used. (actually since confusion dmg scale on atk, on non confusion immuned poke that are using spatk you want the lowest atk possible...)
So far today, the only adjustment i had to do to the meta is running full lum berries to counter sleep abusers. I'm winning so much that i feel like the one exploiting something now :3 Anyways, wp to everyone that I've played today and gl for this new season !
Thank you, i'm considering getting a vaporeon (i'm running a rain team) to get advantage of the water immunity and to be able to heal bell my team. Atm i'm more concerned with grass typed users since i dont have any reliable way to deal with abomasnow besides suiciding one of my walls on his chain wood hammer and revenge killing him. I'm training a tentacruel since they finally got access to rapid spin, in order to have a bit more things to play with, to replace my milotic that was basically a surf/dragon tail bot. Anyways, my team worked wonders so far, i can only hope to do better !
Just passing by to say egg moves helped me a lot in wallbreaking. I don't know if it's the same for anyone, but just being able to get belly drum/aqua jet on my azumarill gave me a good option to deal with those blissey. The more we'll get additionnal moves, the more the meta should stabilize in my opinion (and the more we should get original strats too, just thinking about the baton pass mew I've seen today ^^) Anyways, thank you for this update and for your awesome work, can't wait to see how the meta will evolve with this one ! (as long as full normal typed healing tanks is no longer a mandatory thing è_é)
It happened to me too the first time i was able to log in in the game, and the second time i was able to finish my character creation and to actually start playing. I have no clue why this happens, i can only advise you to try again :)
I understand stall teams and i have actually not much problem with them. As long as they have to actually play smart, and they can be counter played. At the moment, there is absolutely 0 chance to wear down any of those walls before they get to 0pp on their heals, since they can pretty much switch in on any move without thinking about typing, physical/special, etc. A good stall team in my opinion should use protect moves wisely, use their type immunity to win as much time and as much free hits as they can, in order to let the toxic/dots do the job. But this require prediction, and to actually take risks. Playing 4 normal typed pokemon on the same team shows only one thing : typing and move effectiveness prediction isnt at all in the balance of the decision making involved, and this is very sad. I could program any bot to do toxic/switch/toxic/switch/heal/switch/heal/repeat, without any pokemon knowledge, and any algorithm involved. This is just an exemple, but to say that a 0 decision making team is able to win i think 80% of its matchups is very sad. Ohko users are kinda counterable as long as they dont use huge normal typed walls (rhyperior can be easily ohkoed for exemple) even if the rng reliance is infuriating, and same goes for the sleep users since most of the time they dont use full stall teams and actually take risks when switching in, especially if the ennemy team is using lum berries. The point i'm trying to explain is you could basically implement a npc boss with the same comp and he would do as well as any of the players using those comps. I repeat, i don't have anything about players using those teams, i just find it very toxic for the game that a 0 decision making comp is way more viable than any of the usual pokemon pvp teams.
I had some games against sleep abusers, but i'm running lum berries a lot so i could pretty much punish any spore tentative. Didnt see any buggued move abuse tho, the only bugs i've seen are lum berries cleaning toxic and toxic reappearing magically.
Hello everyone. I've just finished to train my pvp comp, which is in my opinion quite balanced, and decided to hop into ranked games too see how the meta is going. Had around 15 cool games with various builds and strategies and interesting gameplay. But once i've hit 150 rating points, the only thing i saw was full Blissey/milotic/milltank comps that were running toxic and some sort of self heal. Each of the 6 pokemon of the team had the exact same role. Stalling to death. I got an adamant max atk azumarill and was barely able to do 1/2 hp to blissey which is supposed to be a special tank, which was quickly healed off when i had to switch out azumarill to avoid dieing from toxic too fast. Not even talking about the 1/4hp i got from an electivire earthquake. In my opinion, this meta is the most toxic ever imaginable. Game last about 30-45mn just because i don't like quitting, and from the first 2-3 hits i already know that i don't have enough offensive power to wear down any of the ennemy team pokemon, and that the game will probably be lost unless some miracle happens (like a server crash) I feel like the absence of choice band may be the source of this lack of overall damage on walls, but anyways it doesnt feel at all like pokemon pvp should feel. No prediction, only boring switchings in and out again and again to reset status problem, and toxic+heal spamming. All the hard work i've put into my team is just thrown away because anything besides playing blissey/donphan/miltank/clefary/milotic/slowbro is ridiculously weak. And i really don't feel like running a specific counter to this kind of thing, since the games are the most boring I've ever played. I even consider quitting the game after about 200h spent to finish the story and get the pvp team i wanted, just because all the fun was sucked from me today. Sorry for all the whining, i may be completely mistaken and maybe i'm the only one having trouble with this kind of comp. But i seriously doubt it.
max atk hugepower adamant AZUMARIL 24HRS 300K INSTANT
Mawouel replied to Jamirakway's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
Same for you, add me when you're online, i don't really know when you will get there. -
max atk hugepower adamant AZUMARIL 24HRS 300K INSTANT
Mawouel replied to Jamirakway's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
Re: max atk hugepower adamant AZUMARIL 24HRS <t>Offering 120k for Azumarill. I'd offer more if i could, anyways if you consider this a respectable offer it could help you start the bidding :)</t> -
Bump, end of bids in 8h
Bo is now 40k by Leoh
B.o is now 30k since the offers are pretty low i'll let this up 24h if you're ok with that :) Edit : if i meet at least 50k bo, i will reduce bidding time. Insta is 100k