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Everything posted by Heromantv1

  1. 1,3m by me
  2. 2m5+ nature reroll?
  3. I star it
  4. I can pm u. pm me at discord SilverEyes#0601 or ig:fragkat3
  5. Is that the start price is so high?
  6. I buy azumaril 700k contact me ing: fragkat3. Have u accept cc? I just have cc
  7. Did you still sell togekiss max speed?
  8. can u pm me at discord: SilverEyes#0601
  9. My discord name: SilverEyes#0601
  10. 2m+ 2cc ig name: Fragkat3
  11. And breloom bro? Do you still sell it
  12. Do u still sell Conkel
  13. I buy Magnezone bro, mess me ing: Fragkat3
  14. Can u pm me discord SilverEyes#0601
  15. Mess me in discord SilverEyes#0601. I'm want to discuss to buy your heliolisk and togekiss
  16. How much for Conkel i 'll buy it bro. My discord is SilverEyes#0601
  17. Can u give a price to bid or buy.
  18. Wtb godly adamant h.a dragonite, adamant h.a talonflame. Special request speed 30+. My budget: 2m2.
  19. Re: epic pory-z for sale <t>Did u sell it?</t>
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