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Everything posted by Lolurface

  1. HI I was wondering if I could potentially buy torkoal for 200k relaxed
  2. Want to buy naive greninja 250k and beedrill 200k Can I buy both for 400k by chance or is 450k fixed?
  3. Hi can I get that honedge for 10 by chance?
  4. Hi i would like to buy the bold volcarona if it is still avaliable
  5. Discord: Bleh#5871 Accept rare candy as 7k CC:380k iv reroll:650k nature reroll:325k Price negotiable. Sold in game Sold in game sold in game -500k Sold in game sold in game Sold sold in game
  6. I want to buy this rotom for 50k
  7. Hi i was wondering if that rotom for 400k is in silver or gold.
  8. Want to buy this lucario 300k if possible my discord is Bleh#5871 I can't add you or message you werid.
  9. Lolurface 19 years old Bleh #5871 America/Korea 709hours returning player To get good at pvp The systems looks nice and it seems very rewarding. Friendly too Ageislash it just looks cool Dog, they are very cute
  10. Lolurface is my ign 19 years old Bleh#5871 To get good at pvp and catch a lot of rare epic pokemons Catching new pokemon or buying them 210,100,100 returning player
  11. What is your IGN? Lolurface How old are you? 19 Discord ID Bleh#5871 What is your highest rating achieved in the last 3 seasons? 210,100,100 - returning player.
  12. Want to buy delphox and serperior together for 400k total please
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