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Everything posted by Doax

  1. Hi [mention]Stahlix[/mention] I apologize you have experience this inconvenience. It is a known issue that console specific controllers tend to have one or multiple issues functioning alongside Pro. Unfortunately, at this current time there is no absolute fix, but as mentioned above, clearing cache and temp files together with refreshing up to multiltudes of times can sometimes bypass this issue and allow the controller to function properly, however, it isn’t a guarantee. Try to perform that troubleshooting task and see if it yields a successful repair. Yours truly, Doax
  2. Hey [mention]Zeifier[/mention] Did you use Roost at all during battle? As mentioned above; If a flying type Pokémon uses Roost it will lose it’s flying type until the end of the turn. This is an affect that was implemented during Generation IV and onward. This makes it susceptible to take damage from any and all attacks until your next turn. Yours truly, Doax
  3. Hey [mention]Loathebest[/mention] Furret can know Frisk, it is Furret’s hidden ability. You can check if your Furret has frisk by opening it’s details when clicking it in your party. As the above player said, finding a Mankey or any other pokemon that can learn Covet or Thief can prove more useful in stealing the Nocturnal Feather. Also, if your Furret does know frisk, be sure it is [glow=red]not[/glow] holding an item already, otherwise the ability will not work. Yours truly, Doax
  4. [mention]Loathebest[/mention] The Halloween event Part 1 ends November 20th. The second part was the Darkrai event which has ended. If you have any further questions don’t be afraid to make a new topic! Yours Truly, Doax -Locked-
  5. Hi [mention]Aliwisp[/mention] ! When you choose starter Pikachu you now open the door for the Ash’s Hat quest and to teach Pikachu surf. Any pikachu you catch can learn surf and it will not affect/effect your game by releasing or trading yours away. Additionally, to answer your last part, these are the only Pikachu starter specific quests. As well, it is correct that in order for the Pikachu to learn surf it must be yor OT or Original Trainer for the elongated version. As this answers your question I am going to lock the topic. Yours Truly, Doax -Locked-
  6. Hey [mention]NLightsOGK[/mention] ! Thanks for bringing the issue to our attention. I see you solved it already though. For future reference there is some incompatibility with controllers, specifically Xbox controllers, as well as others. So if you ever come across the same secnario with a different brand be sure to let us know, or be aware that the controller in question may simply not be compatible. Yours truly, Doax -Locked-
  7. Doax


    Hey [mention]gennosuke[/mention] ! Are you a MAC user? If so this may be part of the issue. Try checking for OS updates to install the latest version, as this may be the issue as was with prior MAC updates. If you find this is not the case you can refer to the Issues Guide to try and solve said issue. As well if be sure to clear your cache/temp files alongside any steps you follow. Do you think it could be your Graphics Card? Try uninstalling the drivers and re installing them, or updating them if needed! There’s sometimes issues running DirectX 10 and laters as well, so try running 9 and previous and see how that fairs for you! If you have any other issues or if this solves or does not solve your current situation reply here to let me know.
  8. [mention]GhostMaster[/mention] As stated above by 6head, we can evolve a pokemon that has been denied it’s evolution due to an accidental scenario. If you make a post in there a staff will be able to provide you with help when available. If at anytime you need a situation resolved like this be sure to make a post within the Evolution Megathread As the next step in this solution results in posting within that topic I am going to lock this as solved! -Locked-
  9. [mention]BlackHC[/mention] Moved to proper forum
  10. As stated above from my peers, the Darkrai event ends today. As well, the Halloween event will end November 20th promptly, leaving room for the next event to take place. So in that regard you have considerable amount of time to complete the entire quest if needed. As well as complete the five challenges against Zetsu. Unfortunately, if you are not far enough within catching Darkrai, you will need to be constraint on your time management to insure you don’t miss out your chance. -Locked-
  11. [mention]RBAZ[/mention] As answered previously, losing a battle results in the loss of 5% of your total income. This was not changed, although it is possible with a disconnect that it does not save, resulting in your money staying in tact and the battle being saved as never happened. As this provides the solution, I will now lock the topic -Locked-
  12. [mention]Karkamas[/mention] Hey there! As stated above when hunting it follows the same procedure as the games. This meaning you cannot release pokemon through the party, you must be interacting with a PC at a Pokecenter in order to do so. As well, yes, logging out during an encounter will revert you back to your last visited Pokecenter. However, the server saving can be fragile and this may or may not cause lost data in which it would be irretrievable. As this answers your question, I am going to accept this as solved. -Locked-
  13. Hey [mention]YNOSVT[/mention] ! Can you do me a favor? I would request for you to locate one of the Cooldown Checkers in any region and choose Nikola. Screenshot the response to be sure the text states how many days you have left, or that you can rechallenge already which would be another issue. The CD checkers can be found within the following cities; Celadon, Goldrenrod, Lilycove, and Canalave. They are all in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh respectively. As soon as you do such and respond we can see where we must go from here. As stated above, the cooldown is 21 days.
  14. Hey [mention]MATINOB[/mention] Try this, it has been what is working with other players who experience the same issue. Follow the steps below and let me know if it’s successful. 1. Be removed from the guild as leader 2. Have a trustworthy member, as well as the agreement logged, promoted to guild leader. 3. Have them kick you then reinvite you. 4. They then will need to promote you from initiate to leader. After completing the above steps you should now have the ability to properly promote those within your guild or demote to their respective ranks within. For officers who have this issue you can just kick them from the guild, then reinvite and promote to leader, then demote back to Officer and it should solve the issue. Let me know if any of this worked. Thanks for bringing this up! If it’s successful we can use it as a means to help others while we attempt to sort out the matter.
  15. Here are the winners for the art contest! Congratulations to you all :) Red: yogic Carthos Smurfsmasher94 Blue: limzical belzebel umbreonngirl Yellow: dangarangs skyflair yajang310
  16. These are the winners for the event! Thank you to all who participated and congratulations! We are aware a player was excluded from the list of their respective server due to error. The player in question will be contacted in regards to compensation shortly. Thank you all once again for participating :)
  17. ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Good luck!
  18. Doax

    Game Crash

    Hey [mention]Reyika[/mention] ! My deepest apologies that you have developed these issues recently. In case you have not already; Attempt the download and use a separate program to unzip the compressed file than what you are using now. In example Using 7zip instead of WinRar. As well, deactivate your antivirus after doing so or before and see what outcome it brings. Hope to hear back soon to help solve this issue!
  19. Hi [mention]Ambish[/mention] I apologize for the wait on a response. If you could provide a screenshot of your trainer card, as it will include your trainer ID, we can further this issue into a solution as to why this has happened. Thank you
  20. [mention]Animak[/mention] Hey there! As mentioned previously. Always check your settings in tools to be sure music is enabled for the game. As well be sure if having issues to clear your cache. Remember to delete any previous clients when downloading a new one as this can create the issues you experienced. You can refer to the General Support Guide regarding crash issues, bugs, and any other issues you are unsure about before making a post! As this issue is solved for you figuring out the problem by yourself, I’m going to lock this as solved :) Enjoy your time and never be afraid to make a topic if you have an issue you can’t come to a solution for. -Locked-
  21. Doax

    Loading game

    Hi [mention]Fjalla[/mention] You can refer to the General Support Guide there. In here you can find the topics that will refer to crash and other issues and possible steps to rectify the error. Crash issues or other issues Win7 Guide https://tinyurl.com/crashhelp Win10 Crash Fix https://tinyurl.com/PROwin10fix Android Guide https://tinyurl.com/androidprofix Mac Guide https://tinyurl.com/macprofix Linux/GNU Guide https://tinyurl.com/prognulinux Cannot open PRO in Mac https://tinyurl.com/ProMacFix PRO64_93_2.exe is not responding https://tinyurl.com/PRO64Fix These are the links to the main crash and other issues to help solve the possible issue. Let me know if any of these steps resolve your issue to further help, or be aware that the issue has now been resolved.
  22. Hey there [mention]Fabian0594[/mention], and welcome to the Community! We also have various ways to support you - you can check our Game Guides and the PRO Wiki or seek out Live Chat support via our Official Discord Server. Feel free to also check out our Facebook Page, Twitter, Youtube Channel, and Instagram as well! Good luck, have fun, and enjoy your game! :) Also, do remember this is a different approach than the games. The game is meant to be somewhat slower with a significant increase in difficulty. As per usual with the idea of an MMO style. So keep that in mind when playing. If you have any other questions or concerns don’t be afraid to post in the forums under the correct subforum. Your questions and the replies can be of use to others :Smile: -Locked-
  23. Welcome! :Shy:
  24. Welcome back :))
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