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Everything posted by Metanarchy

  1. Thx for your start, Ending edited on Monday 6 - 1.12 pm (gmt+1)
  2. Starting offer : 6M (accept cc = 340k - rr = 600k) Minimum raise : 250k Instant buy : 12M Ending : Monday 6 - 1.12 pm (gmt+1) (Discord : Anarkya#3200 - In Game : Metanarchy)
  3. Edit : I succeed on this part, and I got my Zekrom, but it was by using the glitch said on the main post.
  4. Hi ! I don't really know if it's a bug or just some lags or pathfindings problems, but even after asking for help and searchin for a solution, we conclude with my mates that this is a problem. After few hours of try, we can't pass this golbat at all, even when we try to trick for 1/2 cases, everytime the timing put us right in front of it, whatever the path of the pansage is. I personnaly do it only one time by glitching throught this golbat during a server lag. For 2 hours nown despite all the tries, it's impossible to pass. I give up for tonight, but if someone have a solution I take it. Thx !
  5. End, DxAF win the auction !
  6. 550k by Alexis17 :)
  7. Up, 450k by Sasuke4rayquza :)
  8. Ok for that Start Offer :) So 400k by Aggs !
  9. Hi, Starting price : 500k (cc = 350k // Shovel 350k ) Minimum raise : 50k Instant buy : 1M Ending : saturday 9 november, 8.00pm GMT+1 (if instant, I uselly be there the evening) Have a good day :)
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