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About Xouman

  • Birthday 06/16/1991

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  1. A good idea,killing hearts kinda bear,i like it,keep drawing.
  2. The problem is that nearly everybody will build war machines teams,a.k.a 5-6 legs to destroy ladder with no mercy on that update. We will have to concentrate even more on each battle + we will have to deserve even more each win.
  3. Ok thanks for answer i understand it better.
  4. Hi,does the 50% Def Boost for Ice Pokes under Snow adds it up with the Aurora Veil Def + Spdef Boost after please?
  5. Starting Price -> 5M Insta Price -> None Minimum Raise -> 500K Payments -> Pokedollars & CC (CC = 450k) Ending -> Wednesday 15 January 17:30
  6. That's a very good idea,because players will improve their strats to win and keep the motivation to grind after to have these chests. One of the best PvP update right now.
  7. Hi,of course rares forms must stay very rare,i'm not talking about seeing them a lot or often at all,but at the same time,not seeing at least one rare form when an event ends is very frustrating,hard hunt and frustration are a part of the game,we all agree,but it must come with the satisfaction of finally seeing rares forms too,so i think that will be a good idea to increase it a bit(by 10% for example?),when an event ends in few days to have that final exciting hard hunt feeling.
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  8. There was a Pika WQ recently and it was fun,we need more of these i agree.
  9. Hi,i tried to learn it on a poke with Tutor but it didn't work,so adding this move in shops will be good thanks.
  10. Hi,Ash Westbrook have Dialga lead + Reshiram after with Roar : PROClient 2024-12-02 13-33-00.mp4 Sometimes they do or spam Roar even when their others moves still have PP,so being quick on our Baton Passer while they do others moves will not work,and we end up losing after Roar run out of pp with the switch to any poke because we couldn't set up,so please remove these moves from boss it's annoying,thanks.
  11. Thanks,it's useful. Kaguya boss thanks to this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SaY57C8_JQ at 34:45
  12. I changed my mind about this,it's good to have also wild pokes in exca.
  13. Starting Price -> 300K Ending -> Sunday 17 November 21:00 Payments -> Pokedollars & CC (CC = 430k) Minimum Raise -> 35K [No Insta Price]
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