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About Xouman

  • Birthday 06/16/1991

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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. I totally understand,so if there is too much data to collect and also too many things outside to consider,then it's way better to let the community set all these prices to avoid all that confusion,thanks for the explanation.
  2. Hi,sometimes we have a poke to sell and we don't know how much we can sell it,of course we can ask on all or pm experienced players who helps when they know and thanks to them,but we can't always find somebody that will know more or less how much our poke can be selled,and at the same time we don't want to be robbed by low offers when in reality the poke value is higher or way higher,so to not stay stuck with a poke without knowing what to do with it here's my sugg : - Adding a PC Command on Discord Bot that will give a Price Range Sell of a poke,based on current meta-market - Original Pokes + Shinies + Forms I guess it's a hard task to do,but if it's possible that will be very useful for everybody,starting with rarest-most bought ones for example.
  3. One thing to add on the top of that is to be able to mass select-drag-delete on pc,like we do outside of games if possible like this : 2025-02-21 14-15-21.mp4
  4. The PC Rework will be nice.
  5. A random rotation ok,thanks for info.
  6. Hi,if i remember correctly we could buy Rotom with Pve Coins,i checked these all : I don't see it,was it removed? If yes,can you put it back please?
  7. I Agree about setting our Online Status in the Main Menu before logging,and also,when doing the logout-relog strat in safari,after a while we can't relog instantly "user is already connected" or the log crashes because of all these relogs and we must close client and re-open it,kinda annoying,i don't know if it can be fixed or not or if it's logic because after all,we shouldn't logout-relog that fast and server can't handle it.
  8. Thx for Chess Guide it was actually less annoying than the Mega-Gengar one to me
  9. Starting Price -> 350K Insta Price -> None Minimum Raise -> 100k Payments -> Pokedollars & CC (CC = 470k) Ending -> Monday 27 January 18:20 Starting Price -> 400K Insta Price -> None Minimum Raise -> 100k Payments -> Pokedollars & CC (CC = 470k) Ending -> Monday 27 January 18:20
  10. A good idea,killing hearts kinda bear,i like it,keep drawing.
  11. The problem is that nearly everybody will build war machines teams,a.k.a 5-6 legs to destroy ladder with no mercy on that update. We will have to concentrate even more on each battle + we will have to deserve even more each win.
  12. Ok thanks for answer i understand it better.
  13. Hi,does the 50% Def Boost for Ice Pokes under Snow adds it up with the Aurora Veil Def + Spdef Boost after please?
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