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Everything posted by Nurarihan

  1. I dont know how can its happen, but when i am going to first site for farming Pawniard i see my bag contain Balls (Poke Balls, Great Balls, Master Balls, etc) suddenly empty, idk what case this is but i also check customize item and other item if that got same case but just Balls going empty. I am luck just my poke balls, master balls, other balls is gone. If my other worthly item such as MS, Mounts, Clothes, etc also gone it must be explored. I just have this screenshot Before i have 280 pokeballs and 1 masterballs and not count on great and ultra ball. P.S: Sorry for my bad language :devil:
  2. I'd like to sell my MS 30 day for 900k, also can trade for 2x MS 15 day and sorry didnt want interesting for poke trade U can leave your comment here or PM me in game IGN:Nurarihan :Angel: :thanks:
  3. Prehax is right, just Shane can end this season and btw the last season ends on 3rd january, so i think it will end at a week :Grin:
  4. Hello Higana, we need more PVP cloaks on yellow at least, we still have only 2 different colors. Have a nice day! I think it was same in Blue Server :Cry: Yes, We need other costume from PvP Coins Master i think, that other why to spend PvP Coins, not just for bought item like life orb, toxic orb, etc. With 1000+ PvP coins we not must to buy that just for item, we need to update PvP coins Master with new costume, we know recently we have new stuff and surf mount. :thanks:
  5. Bro my friend want to trade his MS, he has 7 MS in RED but he want me to trade with u, say it if u go online like usual :Angel: *Edited
  6. U have my support bro, nice idea +1 :Angel:
  7. hopefully u will get your poke asap :Crazy:
  8. Nurarihan


    just make all people so curious :D:
  9. Wow nice introducing, btw nice to meet u :Angel:
  10. U are welcome :Heart: Hey bro i still have 3 MS to trade :Crazy: I was sell my all stuff in Red Server :Frown:
  11. Thanks for that trading with me :Angel:
  12. Hey Bro i have something to trade with u, if u see this pls online in Blue and notice me :devil:
  13. Thanks for trading MS from Red Server to my Main Account in Blue Server. Forgot to take screenshot :Cry: I'll Send u message again if i have something to trade :Angel:
  14. I have an account in red server bamed Aymanex15, what do you have in red server bro ?? I remember u, i ever see u bring s swablu :Angel: Btw i just have some item like kimono (all color), skull hat (all color), s magikarp mount, and other. Also have money 900k and Poke, maybe i'll sell that all and then i'll buy MS so we can trade it :devil:
  15. u want to migrate in red server? i have some stuff in red server :devil:
  16. I was try in All server too :Shocked:
  17. The case same with me, i try to relog with my brother account and still said "logging in", hopefully staff will solving this problem immediately :Smile:
  18. Re: Fippsie's (yellow) little sig shop :3 >REOPENED< <r><QUOTE author="Fippsie"><s> </e></QUOTE> Tell me if u can do that <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  19. u must wait till server reboot :Sleeping:
  20. Re: Fippsie's (yellow) little sig shop :3 >REOPENED< <r>Hey fippsie u still doing this?<br/> i want to u make animated sign for me<br/> Its with 2 pokemon (suicune and kyogre) with caption Nura Rihan and below is <COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>Renaissance<e></e></COLOR> (red font color) also with blue/sea blue background as i play in Blue Server<br/> u can give animated suicune and kyogre or glowing name animated, i will pay u in Yellow Server <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  21. I just can say Thanks to All Staff also to Shane which gave new big update recently :thanks: Great job man, i just give my suggestion but if staff cant do that it is okay cuz i know staff now is so busy to preparation other stuff. :y:
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