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Everything posted by Tshaka

  1. S.o : 2m Min bid :500k Insta: 4m Accept cc 380k reroll 700k Auction lasts for 72 hours after first bid Fake offer will be reported
  2. 1 mil budget. If godly will go over.
  3. 1 mil budget. If godly will go over.
  4. Start: 2.5m Bid: 100k Instant: 6m Accept: cc 400k IV reroll 600k/nature reroll 300k Ends: 5 days after the first bid
  5. I'll buy darmanitan for 200k if I could get it now. If not I'm not gonna wait.
  6. Start: 800k Insta: 1,5m Min. bid: 100k Lasts 24 hours after first bid. I accept cc= 400k, iv rerolls 600k, nature rerolls 300k
  7. Start: 1m Insta: 2.5m Min. bid: 100k Lasts 24 hours after first bid. I accept cc= 400k, iv rerolls 600k, nature rerolls 300k
  8. Thanks you it evolved
  9. Good day. I just recently had my aipom delevled. I taught it double hit and leveled it up through wild encounter but still it didn't evolve and now it's at 100 again. Could I get some help please
  10. Good day. I leveled my aipom to high now it can't evolve. Could I get it's level down please.
  11. Good day. Power-up punch in battle doesn't register as a fighting type move but the boost are working.
  12. Good day i would like to know if it's possible to change my blissey back to a chansey? If so I'd pay in game currency. It's my OT I don't know why i evolved it.
  13. Starting price 1m Insta 2m Rules for the auction: 1.starting price 1m 2.its 48 hours auction 3.countdown starts after first starting bid 4.min outbid is 100k 5. accepting only money and cc (1 cc = 300k) Pm in game Tshaka Discord Tshaka#8316
  14. Thanks everything is clear
  15. Good day. I did the server testing where if anyone got 16 badges they'd get a reroll ticket. I'm asking if they were already given because I haven't gotten any. I took a picture after I got my 16th badge on the test server.
  16. It was battle coins I guess. But I know I was some type of coin. I got a master ball on the 6 day always. The 7th day I got the coins.
  17. Good day. I finish the reporter request in solaceon town for 2 weeks and got cc as a reward but never could find it. During the last one it said I have 4 in total. Is this a glitch?
  18. I found it. It was by the lake. Thanks for the help.
  19. I found it. Could you send me the locations of latios with the piks?
  20. Good day. I'm having trouble with completing the quest. I've gotten 344 evos. I went to little root town and went into the players house to the tv. It says that the red Pokemon is on the move. I've went to the spots listed and I haven't found latias. I'm I doing something wrong? Because I've just finished the evos yesterday.
  21. Current Name: zorro99 Change into: Tshaka Payment Server of Choice: Silver
  22. Thanks I got aura shpere
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