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Everything posted by Lifeguard

  1. hi, tu for show me, but not interested. upp
  2. Start bid 12m. Accept cc = 360k each At least 10m have to be in cash. 4 days auction after first bid. insta will be added later. Minimum bid incress 400k.
  3. can i start with 1.5m?
  4. all 31 speed +25atk, +20 others. Bisharp defiant Adamant, Breloom jolly technican , Lucario Adamant or naive any hability, better if is justfield.
  5. and the poke?
  6. +1 great idea, the game need this so hard
  7. +1 epic
  8. Hello everyone, I hope you are very well. The idea is to not have to be deleting +100 pokes on the pc, after hunting some epic pokemon for pvp, it would be more comfortable for everyone, and if it is not very difficult to implement, it would be a considerable improvement for people who hunt pokemons, ty all, have a nice day / night.
  9. I would also like to receive a final answer, if it will be banned or not. I have a epic one, and not yet changed the ability to sheer force, because I do not know if they banned it or not, I would like to know it definitely, greetings
  10. well, I just hope that my situation is understood, do not pay attention in the forum that I was, I am wrong, but it was not with bad intention, the best of luck in the auction for u !! Next time I will be more attentive to see in which forum is each post, srry
  11. i really dont know how to go gold too, well. I'm sorry, don't pay attention to where the forum was, is there Andy problem if i cancel my 5m offer? i cant go gold and pay 5m really
  12. Just i check it now, ur from gold, i know the auction continue, but if i win, u can come to trade it in silver? 5m is all my budget for it, and i cant go gold
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