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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hello, my friend and I were trying to change the guild lider, the guild it's mine, but he sometime has to take the charge when I'm offline. Now when we try to change the lider we can't, could you please help us? Guild: Ragnarok Actual lider: Tutonazo Regards. o/
  2. • Discord: Skuid#8107 • Always xD • Add reactions </3
  3. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: PharaoMage Friendliest: Sugarred9 Funniest: Arielgg Most Talkative: Denizxy Most Trustworthy: Mecanojiliano Most Helpful: Mecanojiliano Most Influential: Walrosskastanie Most Intriguing: Prehax STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Noisia Best CC: Calahan Best MOD: Letrix Best CS: Artoriel Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Mapper: Druz Most Professional Staff: Suhuzen Most Friendly Staff: Neroli Most Dedicated Staff: Shamac Most Honorable Former Staff (who is NO LONGER staff): Mutantspider
  4. ● PRO name: Diskuid ● Discord name: Skuid#8107 ● Favorite christmas Pokemon: Skitty & Litwick \o/
  5. Re: [NPC Request Event] Santa Claus is Coming to Town! <r><QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE></r>
  6. Hunter x Hunter :Heart:
  7. Shroomish only with 850 discoveries :)
  8. Good job Lucareus \o/
  9. Tympole in Shiny Stone - 645 discoveries
  10. Really good job! :Heart:
  11. We, GameCore, want to rent the bot! We want to rent following features: ● Basic commands We are willing to pay 200k monthly for it!
  12. Darkrai \o/
  13. Nice! :D
  14. Great guide! Thanks :D
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