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Posts posted by Coxyca

  1. Hi,


    It'd be great if the game could save the Pokemon popups (both chat-linked & preview) position on screen after we move them. Everytime we close them they reset back to their default position, which is kinda annoying since they overlap with the chat if we enlarged it. Also, by default both popups share the exact same location and we need to drag the chat-linked card away to see the preview.


    Iirc the preview popup does retain its location during the current session but saving it for next time would be great!



  2. I know you can get all of those ingame except the delevel item.

    My point is to make them RP: right now, all of these items are obtainable either from NPCs or staff. It could add some depth to the economy and make those daily quests more "human" than just talking to a scripted NPC. You can also buy HMs in stores and yet people sell/buy them. The idea is also to give some of these items a different value: someone who does a lot of EV training might be more interested in buying EV passes from players than a full Safari pass.


    As for the delevel item, can you explain how this would get out of hand? There's no Pokemon that naturally evolves/learns moves at that level so the way I see it, it's basically just maths to update stats. But maybe I'm missing something? (legit curious)

  3. Hello,


    I was thinking of a few items that could be made obtainable & tradable to push the roleplay further:

    • Safari Pass (1 entrance / 24 hours)
    • EV Pass
    • 24h Transit Pass
    • Excavation Ticket Allows the player to do one exca site (except those locked behind Discovery Points). Good way to give a taste of excas to those who never did the quest.
    • Rare Vegetable I know it's been a suggestion forever but a delevel item (clamped between 95 and 100) would be much better than asking the staff and easier for them.

    Obviously the transit pass & safari pass should be rare enough so that they don't impact the economy, we don't want people to stack one week of transportation or safari for half the usual price. But I feel like this would be a good way to add a small amount of RP here and there instead of endlessly talking to the same NPCs.



  4. Copying what I just wrote in a similar thread since this one has a better title and might have more visibility:


    An idea for this would be to have some kind of cloning NPC (in Bill's house for example) who would take your Mon and give you the exact same lowest-evolution Mon at level 5 (same IVs, nature, abi). That would sound okay roleplay-wise (cloning machine in alpha stage or something).


    Level 5 would be pretty punishing but we could imagine having various pricing tiers: the more you pay, the higher the level.


    I read the admin's answer and maybe it would be doable this way? Basically, the Pokemon is not devolved but destroyed and its stats are copied into a new pre-evolution Mon. And player has to be OT obviously to prevent any abuse as stated above.

  5. Disagree with the spawnrate buff, I feel like it's decent already. I do agree with an item buff tho (even gems would be better imo).

    That said, I don't get why excas are shiny-locked. It's a costly daily quest (both in money and time) so why this restriction? Feels punishing for no reason..

  6. Pokémon Doctors who have to dive R129 to get the Deep Blue Shell for a trash Swablu would like a word with you guys Kappa


    Completely agree with the points made. It's annoying to have a dive slave but it's not a widely used mechanic. How about having a unique tool for both dive & waterfall? Both are pretty uncommon so that would give more value to the item and not make it overkill, not to mention an underwater breathing tool sounds okay roleplay wise for both actions. I'd definitely buy that.

    • Like 5
  7. Hi,


    Like any Pokemon game, travelling is a heavy part of the gameplay - even more in PRO since they is no outside flying. We therefore spend a lot of time entering and exiting Pokecenters in order to use the transportation system. Kanto and Johto are perfectly fine but is it possible to shorten the path to this system in Hoenn and Sinnoh? We have to walk all the way to the back of the building + talk to the guard so that we can use it, which is kinda long given we do this multiple times a day.


    I guess bringing the system closer to the entrance would require some mapping, but at the very least can we remove the guard once the quest is completed and have some stairs/door so that we don't have to open any dialog?


    Cheers! :PikaLurk:

    • Like 7
  8. Hi, I traded a Magmar for evo to Onao on Silver server. We forgot about region lock and now he can't give it back to me. I didn't record the trade but he can confirm. I do have a screenshot of the Pokémon info + the trade agreement in a global chat (in French though) if it can be of any help.


    Chat translation:

    Coxyca: anyone bored enough to help me do an evo trade?

    Onao: if you come to Goldenrod I can do it

    Coxyca: on my way thank you


    Sorry and thank you :'(




    Your Magmar is now back in your Silver account. Have a nice day!



    Edit - Thank you very much <3


  9. Besides I can't see what's the problem with the usual EV training. The only stat which doesn't have a 100% encounter rate in a particular spot is DEF, but even that one can be done kinda quickly in the Victory Road for instance.

  10. Hi,


    Sorry to post this but my older post was locked and I was about to add something. Besides adding an on-click highlight on nicknames in the channels, it'd be awesome if the channel's name bar would somehow light up or blink to let us know someone mentionned us in that particular channel. I'm using many channels and it's kinda tiring to visit each of them every 2 min, so some sort of warning would be great.


    Again it's a low-priority suggestion but I think it'd be a cool improvement to the game since every MMO heavily relies on its ingame communication features! :)


    Cheers :)

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