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Posts posted by Coxyca

  1. Hi,


    I'm really sorry that my first message is bitter but I'm really annoyed right now. I did the Kanto league last week for the first time and I got kicked out because of a reboot/crash as I was battling the 4th champ. I had just spent hours levelling my pokes and I was released to finally have a go. But then I got kicked, had to wait another 24h and had lost 20k of potions for nothing.


    Tonight I started playing around 11pm, did the final gym of Johto and farmed to get my pokes a little higher for the league. I also bought a lot of potions, etc. And guess what... I entered the league around 3am and the server crashed/rebooted as I was battling the 2nd champ. And here I go again, kicked out of a league I was looking forward to doing. Hours of farm and thousands of $ for nothing at the end. Yes, I'll be able to do it again in 24h and then what? I wanted to enjoy my work doing the league but nope again.


    This is extremely frustrating. I know the game is in beta but why does this kick-out system in the leagues even exist? I get you don't want people leaving/joining the game during the leagues but why does this also apply when the server has issues? Crashes/reboots are easily detectable, why can't we just tp everyone to it's last pre-fight position? Or in case of doubt, just reset the 24h queue when this happens?


    Again I'm sorry for this post but this is really annoying and I hope something will be done about this...


    Anyway thank you very much for your work on PRO, despite this issue that annoys me the game is really great and I love playing it! :)

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