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Everything posted by Riegnhard

  1. start 9m
  2. Need to re-battle again until it spawn
  3. Hi, I want to avail the dungeon run. i already done the lucarionite and lightstone just want to farm xmascoins i will play my account. How much will i pay?
  4. Starting: 1m Min: 100k Insta: TBA Duration: 3days/72hours Goodluck,
  5. Close
  6. Sorry for inconvenient, already attached
  7. Hi Everyone, I want to sell my epic buneary Starting Bid: 800k Minimum Raised: 100k Insta: To Follow Auction Duration: 4days or 96hours Auction will starts on the first bid Goodluck,
  8. Riegnhard

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Riegnhard 2. Number of hours played? 1380hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Garchomp 4. How old are you? 28
  9. ● What's your Name/IGN? Riegnhard ● How old are you? 27 ● Are you active in Discord? Yes I am ● Where are you from? Philippines ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? About 1300+ Hours and I play everyday ● What's your goal in PRO? To become a PRO and i just want to have fun and give my very best in PvP ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? Because you seem like a really cool guild and i want to become a part of your community ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Garchomp coz its so freaking cool poke ● What's your favorite animal and why? Birds like racing pigeons, why? I loved them since I was young. I also have a lot of pokemons and experience because i play it since 2017 I would be happy to receive an invitation Gracias,
  10. I insta
  11. Sorry change my mind, I'll keep it for a while
  12. Price for kingdra, peliper, furret and weavil?
  14. Whats the starting price?
  15. Pm me too. I want to ev train and lvl up service some of my pokes
  16. Hi. Can u ev train and lvl service my pokes? Here's my discord Reignhard#0592
  17. Need pc for this venusaur ty
  18. Hi.. Please help. When i talked to elf patricia it freeze then i restart the pro.when i talk to her again.. Cant battle her.. Need help
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