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Everything posted by Raika

  1. Hello. Thank you for applying to Phoenix, i will message you shortly.
  2. Hey there, thanks for applying to Phoenix. I will message you shortly.
  3. Hello, thanks for applying. I will message you shortly :)
  4. Hello there, thank you for applying. I'll message you shortly for further instructions.
  5. Hello, thanks for applying to Phoenix. I'll message you shortly.
  6. [uSER=206114][/uSER] Hey there dude, thanks for applying, i'm going to pm you further details and an invitation to our discord.
  7. Hey there dude, thanks for applying, i'm going to pm you further details and an invitation to our discord.
  8. This will prove to be very helpful.
  9. I went to hunt for some clefairy today, and when i found one i noticed i didn't have any ultraballs or pokeballs left. I haven't used any of them, and i am definitely certain i had 300+ ultraballs. Before this happened, i had bought a ton of ultra balls for an event i was hosting in my guild, and as 999 is the maximum number of any item you can have, i mailed a couple hundred to my baby account, IGN - Mythicasiann. Once the event was over, i transferred everything over to my main account (Raika) and had about 350 ultraballs left. Now they're completely gone.
  10. -IGN name Raika - Discord name: Raika#5230 - Pokemon name: Devishire (Deaf-ish-hire) - Pokemon Typing: Fire / Fairy - Pokemon description: After evolving it may have gained a few muscles, and looks formidable in battle, but it still keeps its devilish and mischievous behaviour, plucking a banana from a tropius when it's hungry, using timbur's log as firewood, or even as far as mocking other clefairy's curls on the top of their heads, because Defishire's curl is better. Many Snowpoint townspeople have started to catch more of Defishires, as their bodies produce heat constantly, imitating a heater. They act childish, but they are no joke in battle, though they lost their speed through evolving. Base Stats HP : 140 Attack : 145 Defense : 95 Sp.Attack : 15 Sp.Defense : 95 Speed : 60 Total : 545 Abilities : Prankster / Devilish charm / H/A - Heat transfer Devilish charm : Allows Defishire to charm the opponent, giving +1 priority to all damaging moves. This does not include moves that cause indirect damage, such as toxic, future sight, etc. Heat transfer : Restores 1/8 hp every turn if the pokemon or the opponent's pokemon is burned. Doubles and turns into a 2/8 heal if both pokemon in the battle are burned. - Picture/drawing (optional):
  11. In-Game Name: Raika Discord Tag: Raika#5230 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? All day, every day What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? 1. Chat temporary ban. When the server crashes, i would see so much hate on general chat and that ticks me off a lot. With a temporary ban, people would think more about what they're going to say. Maybe you guys already have implemented this, but i'd like to see more of it in action, and not just there. 2. A meme central channel, where people can share memes and have a good laugh. 3. More bot commands, like dig cooldown, how much an item costs etc
  12. Rules I accept pokedollars only. You can't cancel your offer or make fake offers. Otherwise i will report. The auction will last 72 hours , 3 days, after the first bid (Starting price). https://gyazo.com/3aa0c93bc2778934948d62e452ff7fe1 Starting offer : 650k Instant price : 1m Minimum bid : 50k
  13. https://gyazo.com/9f3787b44e265e8542cb9120cd84d731 Jolly 22 iv speed h.a pancham, with choice scarf is able to outspeed base 110 speed max invested (Gengar, latias, froslass, espeon)
  14. I start 50k for swinub with thick fat abi
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