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About Rukawa

  • Birthday 07/27/1998

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Rukawa's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hey there, can you join us in discord first? here's the link https://discord.gg/FW86Nf
  2. Hey, sorry for the late reply, if you're still interested in joining please dm me in discord Raj#9841, or just join the guild discord https://discord.gg/VYD5su
  3. Good luck for the future, Waleed. ~Raj
  4. A pretty good project, makes it really easy to search for mons
  5. Auction ended with catbeard winning, @Catbeard do you have discord? can contact me there Raj#1113 or just let me know here when you can be online ingame
  6. 6hrs left(5hr 56min to be exact :P)
  7. Noted^^, Insta decided
  8. C.O 550k by Catbeard. Auction will last 1d 12hrs starting from the first bid. Insta Price: 900k You can pay with cc as well, 1 cc=280k Minimum raise: 50k
  9. NAME CHANGE Username: Raj2631 New Username: Rukawa Server to charge the money from: Silver
  10. Sold to Ammiragliozen, thanks^^
  11. c.o raised, 1m70k by Ammiragliozen.
  12. BUMP, around 5hrs remaining for the end
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