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Everything posted by Gaiatree

  1. Hi:PikaLurk: I just realize that the legendary event move tutor npc can't teach nothing to Jirachi. I searched and i found that Jirachi can learn the move Heart Stamp by an event so it could be a good idea that the legendary move tutor npc could teach this move to Jirachi, maybe more people will begin to do Jirachi quest and play with it Thanks a lot, take care! Source: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Heart_Stamp_(move)
  2. Hi again I got a question about this topic. If i lose againts George while i'm doing the quest of the thiefs for the legendary tutor (Yes, i lost ) Did i have to wait the eleven days cooldown to complete the quest or there's another way to finish it and get the tutor? Thanks a lot, take care
  3. :o i don't have my dog yet, i'm gonna do it when i have it. Thanks a lot brannon!
  4. Hi again I want to know if there is any Nasty plot tutor in the game,I need it to teach that move to my Celebi. Thanks a lot :)
  5. Could you please guide me to the post that show every ev trainning site in all the regions. I had searched but still haven't found it. Thanks a lot!
  6. Tengo el mismo problema, quizá estén haciendo algún tipo de mantenimiento. Ojalá lo solucionen pronto.
  7. Hi! I post this here cause' i'm not sure in what topic exactly do it I just realize that Donphan can't learn roar, it can usually have it by TM. On the other hand, i see that Clamperl can't learn shell smash, that move is very important in the movepool of Huntail and Gorebyss. Thanks a lot for you attention!
  8. I want to know when the valentines event ends? I wanna know if i got some time to farm espurrs and eevees with a bms or if it is a waste of time XD. Thanks a lot!
  9. Please don't forget about my Staryu, i posted it past saturday and i haven't get an answer yet. I post it again cause i don't want to loose it by the cooldown or something. Thanks a lot! Gaiatree7 (Red Server)
  10. I released my staryu by a sad mistake :'( could you help me with this? (the one in the red square) thanks a lot :) (Red server)
  11. Hi Where can i post the screenshot to get again a poke released by mistake. I saw a post about that but i dont remember where is it XD. Thanks a lot.
  12. And still resolution error :'( i ran that german tool, it installed all those things (Java, flash player, some stuffs of microsoft and adobe etc) and nothing :/ Let me know if you have another solution Calahan, Thanks a lot :)
  13. I let windows make all the updates availed and still appear the resolution error :/ I hope you can give us any solution soon.
  14. I know nothing about software development XD but couldn't be a kind of update similar to the xmas client (altogether, similar to all past clients) i never had a problem with past clients. It's very sad, 'cause I was very connected to the game, but for now, I only can play sometimes in my tablet that isn't working very well. Anyway, I am grateful with the staff for their attention and for their constant work in this bug solution. I'll keep watching the forum and waiting patiently for the update that can fix this :)
  15. I already download the pro32 resfix and tried all the suggestions that staff made (Install dx11, delete all the previous clients, run the game in D: disc) but the resolution error remains :(
  16. Hi. Did you have any news about the update to solve the resolution error? I already lost half MS but i only want to play in my pc. Thanks a lot!
  17. Did you know the possible date for this resolution problem to be solved? I got an active MS and i don't want to loose too many days :'( Thanks a lot.
  18. Resolution error with new client <r>Hi<br/> <br/> I downloaded the new client and when i tried to open it, appears a kind of resolution error "could not switch the resolution" (see it in the attach image) and the game is closed. I never had this problem with past clients. I hope you can give me a solution for this problem. Thanks a lot! <ATTACHMENT filename="resolution error.jpg" index="0"><s>
  19. Hello friends. I have a bug in a Chansey, everytime that i win a fight with that Chansey appear the evolution request to blissey without need to gain a new level, it's only for beat any pokemon. It's very annoying cause i don't want that chansey to evolve. Thank you!
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