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Posts posted by Malltesers

  1. Hello There!


    you'll probably get used to me, sorry but i'm still looking for a good entei so i'm 8 reroll in so far ^^


    The reroll ticket bug happened again and i didnt got my iv reset, i only used 1 this time.

    If you need more informations you can pm me directly.


    have a good day.



  2. Hello,


    I come to you since i just discovered a bug with reroll ticket that costed me 2 reroll.


    So i wanted to reroll my entei today, i had 1 reroll already and 800 pvp coins so i bought 3 more.


    I went to the NPC Psychic marina in Vermillon to reroll my entei, first time it worked, i got a brand new (pretty trash) entei, so i did it again to get others iv but i got the exact same iv (or it didn't worked at all which is the most obvious possibility).

    Then i disconnected and reconnected hoping it was just a bug but iv were still the same, few times later i started again just to check if it was a bug or if i got the exact same iv but once again the iv didnt changed.


    I'll insert the few screens i have with my inventory.


    Would be nice if i could get them back and have this fixed aswell.


    Thanks for your time, wish you a good day anyway




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