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Posts posted by Malltesers

  1. Hello everyone, I'm looking to sell this riolu in auction




    Start offer : $ 3.000.000

    Minimum bid : $ 300.000

    Insta sell : $ 8.000.000


    Auction last 72h after first offer


    I accepts : Capsule coins (350k each) / reroll ticket (700k each)


    Rules :


    - If you submit an offer, you will not be able to cancel it. Think carefully before bidding.

    - The auction will end 48:00 after the first offer is posted.

    - In accordance with the rules, and in order to avoid a snipe at the end of the auction, any bid made during the last 15 minutes of the auction will lengthen it by an additional 15 minutes.


    You can pm me on game directly or forum


    Good luck everyone

    • Like 3
  2. Hello, Sorry to bother on this post. Happymango asked me to post in there


    I sent 4 pokes to ev to a player named samucaoo2 like 1 month ago. The guy seemed pretty nice and all but it's been 1 month and i didnt get them back / didn't saw him connected in a long time.


    He might have others stuff to do which i understand but i'd like to get my pokes back if possible.

    I already got my Fennekin + wooper back like 1 week after i asked him to ev train but no news since


    Here are the proofs of this :


    ID clefairy : 22245178

    ID togepi : 30006354





  3. Welcome to my shop!


    Every auction will last 48hours after first bid

    Minimum bid is 50k

    Items non included with the pokes


    -- I also accept cc : 330k

    -- you can leave a comment or pm me "malltesers" in game


    dragonite.png.56fae2c73859f9cd0ced7bc4a3606d71.png s.o 800k - insta 1,5m



    398715324_goodratimid.png.8f7ec5c392ee33700a26f893c5abaf4a.png s.o 800k - no insta





    957381893_clefairy2.png.51f481e78a9405ac5afda59022062f2e.png s.o 200k - insta 500k





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