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Posts posted by Malltesers

  1. First i don't even understand why they changed how it was before. What's the point of changing or making things harder and more complicated. On a game like pro where managing your pc is already annoying there is no point about asking people to have a sync of every levels for the pokes you wanna farm.


    It has been too long since this game is not really rewarding people farming pokemons instead of people farming money or just abusing the trade to get richer and buy wathever they want. We don't need this change and that'd be great to reverse it.


    May we just use our time to play at the game, farm and pvp as much as we want instead of wasting it to farm the sync? This isn't the funniest part of the gameplay and not something you want us to focus on i guess.

    Also people will a lot of hours will just need a 2nd account just to keep all they sync at this point, there's no reason to do that

    • Like 6
  2. Hello,


    I'm coming to you about the move "sand tomb" usually used on gliscor to break most of the stall by himself.

    There is a bug on sand tomb in pro which allow you to stack the sand tomb on the poke and never allow him to escape; usually you are freed after 2 to 5 turns even if you spam sand tomb and hit every turn.


    I saw some players like "Affanking" spamming and abusing this to get some free matchups


    Thanks for your time

  3. Hello,


    I already told this bug to an admin so i'm pretty sure they are taking care of it but they might be hard busy with everything to do at the moment so i'm glad if testers are aware aswell


    Here's the 2nd report i wanted to do about a bug i found while trying to check somes bugs.


    (i know the video is too long sorry)


    So this bug appear when you stuck yourself on a move with choice scarf/specs/band and use all of your PP against your opponent. Once you have 0 PP, if you click on another move (by mistake or in purpose..) the game will tell you "choice items only allow first move to be used".


    Then 3 cases appear :


    1. Your opponent selected a move while you did this "missclick" and you will struggle instantly

    2. Your opponent hasn't selected a move so you can choose to go struggle by yourself

    3. Your opponent hasn't selected a move, if you now click on switching to another pokemon it will make you use the move with 0 PP just like in the video


    This bug allow anyone to get infinite pp and even to switch between protect / infinite PP

    • Like 1
  4. Hello ! I used to report bugs to admins directly but it seems they are pretty busy so i wanna make sure tester are aware of the bugs i found.


    This bug is about the move "struggle" which have few big bugs.

    I have tested all of these bugs on Pro + showdown to make sure these bugs are real


    - the move is coded as speatk in pro which shouldn't be the case (this also means that serperior contrary will dead huge damage with struggle after using every leaf storm if he manage to get x4)






    - Struggle can hit through protect


    - Struggle get the move priority if you were stuck on a priority move.

    For exemple : if you are choice band dragonite and use your 8 extreme speed, your next struggle will be +2 priority


    • Like 1
  5. Hello ! Sorry to bother i just had a problem with 2 pokes that i lended and never got back.


    I made a lending trade on 15/01 with a guy named "Cocter" to help him for the story (i don't remember the duration exactly but i waited +30days to be sure).

    This guy never went online after the expiration of the lend which made it bug.


    The 2 pokes lended were :

    - Goodra (ID 26721300)

    - Arcanine (ID 12424475)


    i don't have screen either cause i believed in lending process but i now understand i should take one still ^^


    Looking forward to your reply :)

  6. Start Azu and the first Diggersby with the 400k s.o

    Thanks ! Azumarill and Diggersby 1 started - auction end on wednesday at 5:53 AM


    I start quagsire 300k the unaware one

    Thanks ! Noted for quagsire, auction end on wesnesday at 6:24 AM


    Start 14 Def Diggersby

    Noted your start offer, Thanks ! Auction end on Wednesday at 6:57 AM



    Start breloom.


    [ATTACH type=full" alt="126869]126869[/ATTACH]

    Thx budd! auction for breloom end on wednesday at 8:10 AM


    Every timeline based on Paris GMT

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