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Everything posted by Amanpokemontrai

  1. Bro send me ur discord
  2. Smartest: Jhaydenite Friendliest: Waleed1301 Funniest: Kentro Coolest: Outrage Comeback Player of the Year: Nornornor444 Most Talkative: Jhaydenite Most Trustworthy: Jhaydenite Most Helpful: Jhaydenite Most Missed: Praxis Most Influential: Waleed1301 Most Intriguing: Drdoctor Most Experienced Player: Nakofum Best/Funniest Username: Matherfather13 Most Professional Guide Maker: Waleed1301 Most Professional Discord Moderator: Waleed1301 STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Tempa Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Community Coordinator: Happymango Best Moderator: Caged Best Trade Moderator: Tigerous Best Game Master: Logan Best Admin: Eaty Best Staff Username: SuckerPunch Most Professional Staff: Logan Most Dedicated Staff: Caged Funniest Staff: Logan Friendliest Staff: Logan Most Honorable Former Staff: Fluffles Most missed former : Fluffles
  3. Want to buy secon donw in all20+ except one column
  4. I have lended 5 lvl 100 pokes to my freind and then i myself sent it back from his id but i didnt get them back pls help and mine freind name in game is(harshpt4)
  5. I want to joiN.. Name in game=Amanpokemontrai Playtime..350+hrs Region..= i am doing sinnoh
  6. Guys i was finding 6keys in abonamed ship hoenn i got 5 but six one is with wingull but its not in my game but it was in youtubers
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