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Everything posted by Oscar

  1. is here going to delete players? because in the forum there is a section about delete
  2. i suggest to put nps in "origin forest" at begin explaining about the game, how if the players are novice, explain: - the status changes (sleep, paralizes, burn, poison, bad poison, fainted, etc.) - the pokeballs uses - your mision in the game and how we should to participe at the pokemon league (because it doesnt relate why must to participe in it)
  3. We hope you get better and someday see you here again. thank you at all
  4. I hace a quick claw and i want to know if it is working, because it doesnt have description when i put the mouse over it
  5. i suggest the bike color before, and it was thinked, but not implement
  6. i suggest to implement the pokenav in the arrow at right side that hidden the map, and use the search section in the map how it is a pokenav. only have to put a image of pokenav instead of arrow.
  7. is there any information about when is going to be implemented the evasion and precision system?? for example: sand attack, double team, etc
  8. Welcome, i like this game, i hope the admins dont throw this and complete alls region with theirs respectives pokemons. Enjoy your stay
  9. Welcome to pro, enjoy your stay
  10. i suggest to put a npc at the ss anne entrance saying the players that the captain is sick and he needs a medicine, and send us to search a doctor in the ss anne. it is to put more coherence in the story because we search the medicine and dont know why have it until we came to the captain.
  11. Oscar


    :thanks: by the information
  12. I suggest to the admins to put a npc in the entrance ay ss anne who say the players that captain is bad and he needs a doctor, and say us to look by the doctor
  13. Oscar


    someone knows what is the level of the leader gyms, red and e4 pokemons?
  14. its time to train your pokemons
  15. welcome joann enjoy your stay
  16. Oscar


    Is there any way to add region kalos as a personality region like orange islands ??
  17. hola, algunos de ustedes saben donde puedo conseguir en el foro un listado con las cosas pendiente para ser implementadas ?
  18. i suggest to make a list with the things that are implemented (pokemons, abilities, items, moves) which is function correctly
  19. it is not working by the moment or it will be working never??
  20. welcome susy at the best pokemon game
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