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  1. c.o 500k by Zncholo min bid 50k ends 48h after 1st bid no insta 15 min rule
  2. @Jetfire won the auction.
  3. @Zncholo @Praveen00 @Lolurface @Babasti s.o / c.o was 1.5m...
  4. c.o 1.5m by Jetfire min bid 100k ends 48 after 1st bid 15 min rule no insta
  5. what can you contribute to Dynasty? I like to pvp and can provide services ° what is your real life and ingame name? My real name is Olli and ingame name is Bollimies ° how old are you and where are you from? Im 20 and from Finland ° discord tag? how often are you online there? Discord# is zzzzeltron, online all day ° screenshot of your trainercard
  6. Buying on my other account.
  7. snivy 1m
  8. 910k snivy
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