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Everything posted by Leonidas92

  1. can I send 6m offer to start off with? @super3nino
  2. just out of curiosity, I have a 23+ all ada or jolly snover snow warning, will that work for you or it has to be Mild nature strictly?
  3. I think I have one, do you have discord or you prefer me to post the picture here?
  4. I do have the talon on sale, and I dont need to buy more stuffs. Don't know why you post your talon here though.
  5. @Gongon well Its my pleasure to know you in this game as well Gonbae, I will keep in touch with you around discord and hopefully you won't be vanished completely before me xD. But yeah at one point the party will come to an end. Enjoy whatever you plan to do next and shoot me a message on discord/facebook if you feel like doing so. I love you bae.
  6. Ima add you on discord and we contact there. I’ve been busy
  7. i wanna take the emboar
  8. cool , lemme know when you come online
  9. i dont see any picture though
  10. I can let you start with 800k at least, yeah hp is low but the other needed ivs are pretty high, and sturdy ability anyways.
  11. IGN: Leonidas92 Current rating: 212 Season you were on ladder: None Vote: Remove the rule Reason: I started playing pvp pretty late, so like a lot of things were needed to catch up. Back when I was able to pvp on 2 accounts, one main, one for testing team, I improved pretty fast ( like in 2 months , I went from 200+ rating guy to 400+ rating guy ). And it's true that the unranked pvp has been dead for the last 3 , 4 months
  12. Hey guys, so I want to sell some really good pvp shiny pokemons here. I guess I don't have to repeat the rules about fake bid, trolls comments and stuffs. Cc = 250k Mostly prefer cash Auction lasts for 2 days after the first bid Good luck and enjoy the new shiny member of your team SPECIAL DEAL: If you decide to take all these, my package deal for you will be 6.5m for all of them. Start bid: 1m Insta: 2.5m Start bid: 2m Insta: 4m Start bid: 1.5m Insta: 3m
  13. I offer 200k for the ada poison heal gliscor
  14. Can I offer 1m on the roserade shiny?
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