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Everything posted by Leonidas92

  1. I can do 350k , thats 100k discount already.
  2. sorry 150k bro, cant lower more, unless you buy some more pokes.
  3. Good luck with selling them candies Jessie
  4. It’s 200k on the vullay and 500k on the cha set and if you’re going to buy 2 , I will make it 600k total, sounds cool?
  5. its the price to buy the pinsir bro, are you online rifght now? I have 15 mins online
  6. are you online in game right now?
  7. hi bro the best I can do is 275k , but if you consider to get one more poke from my shop , I would love to make it 250k. And of course the other poke will get discount as well.
  8. nice wall porygon added nice vullaby with low atk ivs for foul play added
  9. dang, I was at work. You're funny dude.
  10. As the title say I want to buy gligar/gliscor, either jolly or ada, but mostly looking for adamant with max atk and speed stat no lower than 28, and the rest ivs have to be 20+. leave the picture and price and we start from there. The same with dragon. Thank you.
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