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Everything posted by Leonidas92

  1. offer 100k on the riolu # 2 and 50k on the timbur ada iron fist.
  2. Lower insta to 3.5m
  3. do you still have the croagunk ? I would love to take it.
  4. I wanna take the Lucario adamant 400k
  5. I want to sell this nice bold larvesta with hp electric. I had an offer from Altruis 2m, so I will start from there. Auction will last for 2 days from the time I make this post. Cc = 250k , I prefer cash and cc only, not interesting in trading for anything else. 100k up in bid each time. B.o: 2m by Altruis Insta : 3m Due: 1 days left.
  6. Can't help but bump , xD.
  7. ay, thank you mate, glad you made it to the team. <3
  8. Thanks Baekos and gratz on the colour. You have come a long way, from orange -> green -> purple. You earned it bae. xD but the avatar is meh tho.
  9. Thank you guys. <3 Love y'all.
  10. never have a doubt on you babe :kiss:
  11. gotta love Prehax and his sense of humore, trolololo.
  12. Hey, hello to PRO community and all old friends from the game, as well as the senior staffs that I knew before. I haven't visited this forum for a long long time, and today I saw a lot of new faces, so I think its pretty neat to make a post on forum to greet some old friends and get to know some new faces. Hit me guys, and if you wonder, I was once QUANLE92. xD
  13. haha welcome back lil baemanex , lmfao.
  14. bump for this pleb's shop. :smirk:
  15. @Gunners bae, I didn't see any picture.
  16. take care Thor, tell Odin I say "Hi".
  17. Take care Burdy, but on top of that, hope to see you again :wink:
  18. ay, hi buddy , welcome to the game. ^^
  19. See ya buddy, You can always find me on my facebook. Keep in touch and good luck with whatever you wanna do.
  20. May the make a quick bump for this pleb guild ! <3
  21. @TzRekJad I offer 7m + shiny serperior for the breloom only if you accept this offer , its around 17 -18m offer I believe
  22. Hi staff, please help me to bring back the Mew that I accidentally released while deleting trash pokes. Thanks a lot for your help.
  23. double that amount of cc and I will sell you instantly.
  24. [mod=Suhuzen]Do not vote on multiple accounts, disqualified.[/mod] MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: Daenerys Friendliest: C9blastoise Funniest: Blazer001 Coolest: Gunners Comeback Player of the Year: Buyshinynair Most Talkative: CobraMK Most Trustworthy: Alain30 Most Helpful: Imhanjoo Most Missed: Sheila Most Influential: Daenerys Most Intriguing: Plasmavortex STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Mapplle Best CC: Shaui Best MOD: Mytantspider Best CS: Artoriel Best Artist: Varda Best Mapper: Tiggus Most Professional Staff: Mapplle Most Friendly Staff: Darkphase Most Dedicated Staff: Shamac Most Honorable Former Staff: Rekkuza
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