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About Hilly123

  • Birthday 04/03/1999

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Hilly123's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Wts my froakie for 1 cc or offer
  2. Auction sale Starting bid for 800k Insta 3m Ends in 2 days when starting bid.
  3. Make me an offer
  4. . Yes you did win the auction. Let me know when you are ready to claim your price
  5. I did know i had to provide evidence srry my first time doing auction but here is your evidence. Ps: i have all the screenshot bid that have been offered if necesarry i can post it
  6. Checking hownmuch its worth
  7. Min bid :300k Starting bid: 800k Insta.5m Namanh offered 1.4m Auction closed
  8. Selling it for 500k or offer pm me my id name is hilly123
  9. Can you delevel my poke by one plz so i can evolve it
  10. What's your IGN? hilly123 How many hours do you have in PRO?350 hrs Do you have discord? Yes hilly123 How far are you in story? I am finished only farming pvp poke How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) 2-5hrs everyday Are you a PvP or PvE player? Yes but need improvement
  11. Selling or trade for same value Nickname :hilly123
  12. I am newbie and i would like to join your guild if possible. I play everyday . i am at kanto . my name tag is hilly123
  13. I will like to join your guild .My name in the game is hilly123. Thanks for your attention
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