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Posts posted by Darksun20

  1. Welcome to my shop Trainers!



    I always sell Pokemon for PvP with exceptional IVs, desired natures and abilities.

    All the Pokemon in my shop are straight sell, my auctions will take place in the "Selling Pokemon" forum section.



    Payment options


    Coin Capsule = 400k

    IV Reroll Ticket = 750k

    Nature Reroll Ticket = 375k

    Masterball = 50k




    Discord: Sladecap#1204

    In Game: Darksun20






    Aegislash Brave











  2. This is Pokèmon Revolution Online not Pokèmon Showdown..

    I see this answer so many times it's criminal. "Smogon did it so we shouldn't" is pretty much what you might as well have said and that is the worst argument I've seen.


    I agree that result is unfair for this player, and these double down rules have proven quite inconsistent. We can double down and win against bosses, can't double down and win against suspicious bot and in PvP it doesn't make any sense as if it's not coded at all.

    • Like 1
  3. not even tradable from the start

    I think you misread me, I said that because I don't like the idea of getting them trade able, the suggestions I made feel like a better idea
  4. As someone who frequently does Exca and Digs, I have many fossils I don't want to use so are just taking up room. I don't see anybody wanting to buy these in trade either.





    My suggestions are being able to exchange them with the Item Recycler or 750-1k to the item buyer

    • Like 1
  5. Yeah, I think the WC should have only tier 8+ mons to hunt and a small percentage lowered for legendaries to spawn, the last WC we had for gold was really easy, got my first ticket from that one and I got Raikou. I can't really judge well because I've only done it once, but to get a legendary should feel like playing the lottery, it's VERY rare for someone who's played the lottery once to win.

  6. Gonna quote what I said in an another thread because I feel I posted it in the wrong type of thread to say it in


    Okay everyone, before you raise your pitchforks just hear me out on this.


    I know what it's like to have bosses as a main source of income in PRO. I may not be doing on the extreme as some people do with multiple accounts, but the PVE content is what I spend most of my time playing this game. I do not think the bosses were game breaking and needed a fix. But you need to look at this in a different light, and deep down I think you know why this change was made.


    I can't be the only one that gets really tired of slogging through all the bosses in one day. Yes you don't have to, but you feel obligated to. That's where the problem lies. For those who have alt accounts to do this, I just want you to take a step back and think about how much time you actually spend doing bosses and how much it eats up your playtime, and think about what other things you could be doing in this game..or even real life for that matter.


    Bosses is not the only source of obtaining money. It's not the end of the world, it may feel like it right now out there but please don't let that kind of mentality seep into the game we love to escape from it.


    Instead of looking at this in a negative light or if this isn't to your liking we should suggest a change then. 7 days feels too long to wait for 10 bosses, 1 day feels more appropriate making it less of a chore and more fair for others that exclusively do Bosses for income. Think the rewards for some bosses that feel underwhelming could be more appealing, example would be Pumpkin King and Officer Jenny.

  7. Okay everyone, before you raise your pitchforks just hear me out on this.


    I know what it's like to have bosses as a main source of income in PRO. I may not be doing on the extreme as some people do with multiple accounts, but the PVE content is what I spend most of my time playing this game. I do not think the bosses were game breaking and needed a fix. But you need to look at this in a different light, and deep down I think you know why this change was made.


    I can't be the only one that gets really tired of slogging through all the bosses in one day. Yes you don't have to, but you feel obligated to. That's where the problem lies. For those who have alt accounts to do this, I just want you to take a step back and think about how much time you actually spend doing bosses and how much it eats up your playtime, and think about what other things you could be doing in this game..or even real life for that matter.


    Bosses is not the only source of obtaining money. It's not the end of the world, it may feel like it right now out there but please don't let that kind of mentality seep into the game we love to escape from it.

  8. doesnt catching a specific good pokemon take alot more time? 13 hours for 4 account and 50 bosses isnt like that much if you do it like every 2 weeks (cd of bosses) and stop the insulting mr.smartass ;)

    I see somebody got upset by something that wasn't even directed to you, I assume you are one of those people that spend 10+ hours playing PRO farming bosses each day. Dude it takes me just 4 hours to do all bosses in one day and I use Wobb+Klefki set up, I'm sorry but if you do spend anymore than 6 hours a day on pro you need to step away from the screen and do something else with your life and this update is helping with that problem of yours.
  9. And

    even if u have 4 accounts(notallowed to have more), u can make max. 8m per month with bossing... thats nothing and in no way overpoweered or broken... it deserves a push and not a nerf.

    And those people should seek help because they are spending waaay too much time on PRO and 4 alt accounts seems unhealthy, like an addiction.
    • Like 1
  10. I for one..




    You have no idea how much of a chore it feels feeling obligated to farm all bosses in one day just so you don't feel like your wasting time or money you could have had. Not anymore. This is a relief of burden. I would like to also mention this update makes it more difficult for those crazy people that farm them on alt accounts. I hear there was someone with 4 accounts that would actually put in the time to farm them to get an insane amount of profit. That's a little bit unbalanced and those people should seek help.

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